View table: Honors

From Pathfinder Wiki

Table structure:

  • honorname - String
  • category - String
  • year - Integer
  • authority - String
  • skill - Integer
  • insignia - File
  • field_trip - String
  • instructor - String
  • state - String

This table has 691 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page honorname category year authority skill insignia field trip instructor state
AY Honor Aboriginal Lore Aboriginal Lore Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 2,001 General Conference 1
Aboriginal Lore AY Honor.png
AY Honor Abraham & Sand Art Abraham & Sand Art Regional 2,007 Florida Conference 0
Abraham and Sand Art AY Honor.png
AY Honor Abseiling Abseiling Recreation 2,001 General Conference 1
Abseiling AY Honor.png
AY Honor Abseiling - Advanced Abseiling - Advanced Recreation 2,001 General Conference 3
Abseiling Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Abseiling - Instructor Abseiling - Instructor Recreation General Conference 3
Abseiling Instructor AY Honor.png
AY Honor Accounting Accounting Vocational 1,938 North American Division 3
Accounting AY Honor.png
AY Honor Adapted Sports Adapted Sports Recreation 2,012 General Conference 1
Adapted Sports AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Adinkra Adinkra Regional 2,012 British Union 0
Adinkra AY Honour.png
AY Honor Administration Administration Vocational 2,012 South American Division 2
Administration AY Honors.png
AY Honor ADRA Annual Appeal Collector ADRA Annual Appeal Collector Regional 2,020 British Union 0
ADRA Annual Appeal Collector Gold AY Honour.png
AY Honor Adventist Church Heritage Adventist Church Heritage Regional 0 Florida Conference 0
Church Heritage (FL) AY Honor.png
AY Honor Adventist Pioneer Heritage Adventist Pioneer Heritage Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,014 General Conference 2
Adventist Heritage AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Adventist Pioneers Adventist Pioneers Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,012 South American Division 1
Adventist Pioneers AY Honor.png
AY Honor Adventurer for Christ Adventurer for Christ Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 1,989 General Conference 1
Adventurer for Christ AY Honor.png
AY Honor Adventurer for Christ - Advanced Adventurer for Christ - Advanced Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 1,989 General Conference 2
Adventurer for Christ Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,010 North American Division 1
African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD AY Honor.png
AY Honor African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD - Advanced African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD - Advanced Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,010 North American Division 2
African American Adventist Heritage Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor African Lore African Lore Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 2,001 General Conference 1
African Lore AY Honor.png
AY Honor Agriculture Agriculture Outdoor Industries 1,929 General Conference 2
Agriculture AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Airplane Modeling Airplane Modeling Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,944 General Conference 1
Airplane Modeling AY Honor.png
AY Honor Alive Bible Alive Bible Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,014 North American Division 1
Alive Bible AY Honor.png
AY Honor Alternative Fuels Alternative Fuels Nature 2,014 General Conference 2
Alternative Fuels AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Alternative Fuels - Advanced Alternative Fuels - Advanced Nature 2,014 General Conference 3
Alternative Fuels Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Amphibians Amphibians Nature 1,945 General Conference 1
Amphibians AY Honor.png
AY Honor Amphibians - Advanced Amphibians - Advanced Nature 2,001 General Conference 3
Amphibians Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Animal Camouflage Animal Camouflage Nature 2,015 North American Division 1
Animal Camouflage AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Animal Camouflage - Advanced Animal Camouflage - Advanced Nature 2,015 North American Division 2
Animal Camouflage Advanced AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Animal Tracking Animal Tracking Nature 1,976 North American Division 1
Animal Tracking AY Honor.png
AY Honor Animal Tracking - Advanced Animal Tracking - Advanced Nature 2,001 General Conference 2
Animal Tracking Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Antelopes Antelopes Nature 2,001 General Conference 1
Antelopes AY Honor.png
AY Honor Antelopes - Advanced Antelopes - Advanced Nature 2,001 General Conference 2
Antelopes Advanced AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Ants Ants Nature 2,012 South American Division 1
Ants AY Honor.png
AY Honor Archery Archery Recreation 1,945 North American Division 1
Archery AY Honor.png
AY Honor Archery - Advanced Archery - Advanced Recreation 1,976 North American Division 2
Archery Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Vocational 2,014 General Conference 2
Artificial Intelligence AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Audio and Sound Audio and Sound Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,012 South American Division 2
Audio and Sound AY Honor.png
AY Honor Audio and Sound - Advanced Audio and Sound - Advanced Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,012 South American Division 3
Audio and Sound Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Australian Birds Australian Birds Nature 0 South Pacific Division 0
Australian Birds AY Honor.png
AY Honor Automobile Mechanics Automobile Mechanics Vocational 1,928 North American Division 2
Automobile Mechanics AY Honor.png
AY Honor Automobile Mechanics - Advanced Automobile Mechanics - Advanced Vocational 1,964 North American Division 3
Automobile Mechanics Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Aviators Aviators Vocational 2,015 North American Division 2
Aviators AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Backpacking Backpacking Recreation 1,986 General Conference 2
Backpacking AY Honor.png
AY Honor Backpacking - Advanced Backpacking - Advanced Recreation 2,012 North American Division 3
Backpacking Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bacteria Bacteria Nature 2,012 South American Division 2
Bacteria AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bagpipes Bagpipes Regional 2,019 British Union 0
Bagpipes AY Honour.png
AY Honor Bagpipes - Advanced Bagpipes - Advanced Regional 2,019 British Union 0
Bagpipes Advanced AY Honour.png
AY Honor Baking Baking Household Arts 1,945 General Conference 1
Baking AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bamboo Craft Bamboo Craft Regional 2,010 Southeast Asia Union 1
Bamboo Craft AY Honor.png
AY Honor Barbering and Hairstyling Barbering and Hairstyling Vocational 1,938 General Conference 3
Barbering AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Basic Economics Basic Economics Vocational 2,012 South American Division 2
Basic Economy AY Honor.png
AY Honor Basic Rescue Basic Rescue Health and Science 1,986 General Conference 1
Basic Rescue AY Honor.png
AY Honor Basic Sewing Basic Sewing Household Arts 1,976 General Conference 1
Basic Sewing AY Honor.png
AY Honor Basic Water Safety Basic Water Safety Recreation 2,011 General Conference 1
Basic Water Safety AY Honor.png
AY Honor Basketball Basketball Recreation 1,999 General Conference 1
Basketball AY Honor.png
AY Honor Basketry Basketry Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,937 General Conference 2
Basketry AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bats Bats Nature 2,004 General Conference 1
Bats AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bats - Advanced Bats - Advanced Nature 2,004 General Conference 2
Bats Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Beekeeping Beekeeping Outdoor Industries 1,929 General Conference 2
Beekeeping AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bible Evangelism Bible Evangelism Vocational 1,938 General Conference 2
Bible Evangelism AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bible Marking Bible Marking Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,001 General Conference 2
Bible Marking AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bible Marking - Advanced Bible Marking - Advanced Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,001 General Conference 3
Bible Marking Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biblical Archaeology Biblical Archaeology Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,012 General Conference 2
Biblical Archaeology AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biblical Language (Hebrew) Biblical Language (Hebrew) Regional 2,020 Southern Asia-Pacific Division 1
Biblical Languages (Hebrew) AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biblical Researcher Biblical Researcher Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,012 South American Division 1
Biblical Researcher AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bicycle Maintenance Bicycle Maintenance Vocational 2,012 South American Division 1
Bicycle Maintenance AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biochemistry Biochemistry Health and Science 2,012 South American Division 3
Biochemistry AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biochemistry - Advanced Biochemistry - Advanced Health and Science 2,012 South American Division 3
Biochemistry Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Biosafety Biosafety Health and Science 2,020 North American Division 1
Biosafety AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bird Pets Bird Pets Nature 1,945 General Conference 1
Bird Pets AY Honor.png
AY Honor Birds Birds Nature 1,928 General Conference 1
Birds AY Honor.png
AY Honor Birds - Advanced Birds - Advanced Nature 1,949 General Conference 3
Birds Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Blacksmithing Blacksmithing Vocational 2,015 North American Division 2
Blacksmithing AY Honor.png
AY Honor Block Printing Block Printing Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,945 General Conference 2
Block Printing AY Honor.png
AY Honor Blogs Blogs Vocational 2,012 South American Division 2
Blogs AY Honor.png
AY Honor Blood and the Body's Defenses Blood and the Body's Defenses Health and Science 2,000 General Conference 2
Blood and the Body's Defenses AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bogs & Fens Bogs & Fens Nature 2,014 General Conference 2
Bogs and Fens AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Bogs & Fens - Advanced Bogs & Fens - Advanced Nature 2,014 General Conference 3
Bogs and Fens Advanced AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Bones, Muscles, and Movement Bones, Muscles, and Movement Health and Science 1,999 General Conference 2
Bones Muscles and Movement AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bookbinding Bookbinding Vocational 1,935 General Conference 3
Bookbinding AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bookkeeping Bookkeeping Vocational 1,937 General Conference 2
Bookkeeping AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bowling Bowling Recreation 2,012 South American Division 1
Bowling AY Honor.png
AY Honor Braiding Braiding Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,972 General Conference 1
Braiding AY Honor.png
AY Honor Braiding - Advanced Braiding - Advanced Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,976 General Conference 2
Braiding Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Braille Braille Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,020 North American Division 1
Braille (NAD) AY Honor.png
optional released
AY Honor Brain and Behavior Brain and Behavior Health and Science 1,999 General Conference 2
Brain and Behavior AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bread Dough Bread Dough Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,976 General Conference 1
Bread Dough AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bridges Bridges Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 2,012 General Conference 1
Bridges AY Honor.png
AY Honor Bryophytes Bryophytes Nature 2,012 South American Division 2
Bryophytes AY Honor.png
required released
AY Honor Bubbles Bubbles Nature 2,015 North American Division 2
Bubbles AY Honor.png
yes released
AY Honor Bully Prevention I Bully Prevention I Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,018 North American Division 1
Bully Prevention I AY Honor.png
qualified released
AY Honor Bully Prevention II Bully Prevention II Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage 2,018 North American Division 2
Bully Prevention II AY Honor.png
qualified released
AY Honor Business Business Vocational 2,015 North American Division 2
Business AY Honor.png
AY Honor Button Football Button Football Recreation 2,012 South American Division 1
Button Football AY Honor.png
AY Honor Cacti Cacti Nature 1,944 General Conference 1
Cacti AY Honor.png
AY Honor Cacti - Advanced Cacti - Advanced Nature 1,999 General Conference 3
Cacti Advanced AY Honor.png
AY Honor Cake Decorating Cake Decorating Arts, Crafts and Hobbies 1,972 General Conference 2
Cake Decorating AY Honor.png
AY Honor Camelids Camelids Nature 2,012 South American Division 2
Camels AY Honor.png
AY Honor Camp Craft Camp Craft Recreation 1,929 General Conference 1
Camp Craft AY Honor.png
AY Honor Camp Safety Camp Safety Recreation 2,009 General Conference 2
Camp Safety AY Honor.png
AY Honor Camp Safety - Advanced Camp Safety - Advanced Recreation 2,009 North American Division 3
Camp Safety Advanced AY Honor.png
