Especialidades JA/Derbi de automodelos de pino - Avanzado/Respuestas

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Derbi de automodelos de pino - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Pinewood Derby Advanced AY Honor.png
Derbi de automodelos de pino - Avanzado
Artes y actividades manuales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
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Tener la especialidad de Derbi de automodelos de pino.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Derbi de automodelos de pino.


Conocer las regulaciones de la carrera de automodelos de pino para su distrito, área o asociación local.

NOTA: Muchas asociaciones tienen eventos especiales de carreras de automodelos de pino y las normas pueden variar en cuanto a longitud, peso y ruedas.


Estar consciente de lo siguiente:


Los automodelos de pino no deben ser impulsados por cualquier clase de resortes.


No se permite materiales sueltos de cualquier clase en el interior o encima del automodelo de pino.


El número oficial deberá ser claramente marcado y visible.


Revisar los instrumentos de seguridad.


Conocer las diferentes formas de preparar y terminar un proyecto:


Lijando la madera


Llenando los agujeros


Sellando la madera nueva


Coloreando la madera


Acabado brilloso


Acabado de esmalte


Acabado con tinte


Acabado de cera


Acabado acrílico


Colores de agua


Acabado de cuero sobre madera



See the Découpage honor for detailed instruction.


Lámina forjada

Crumple a sheet of aluminum foil without wadding it into a ball (or it will tear). Flatten the foil out again and smooth it with a rolling pin. Apply tacky glue to your car, and then press the foil into the glue, shiny side up. Press the foil into all the crevices of the car. For an antique look, paint over the foil with a black, water-based paint which has been thinned 2:1 with water. Blot the paint with a paper towel.


Conocer el significado del principio de la fricción y cómo puede afectar el rendimiento del automodelo de pino.


Conocer las tres mejores maneras de reducir la fricción en al automodelo de pino.


Lubricación de eje

This is probably the most effective step you can take to make a car faster. Start by polishing the axles. This can be done by mounting the axle in the chuck of a drill, holding a piece of sandpaper (320 or higher grit) on the part of the axle that comes into contact with the wheel, and then spinning the drill. Do this to each axle as your patience endures.

When the wheel is placed on the axle and the axle is inserted into the car, apply some graphite lubricant into the wheel's hub and spin the wheel. Once assembled, it's a good idea to spin each wheel for as long as you have the patience. This works the graphite into the joint and lubricates it. You can spin the wheels by hand, or rig up a device of your own invention do do it for you.


Diseño aerodinámico

Aerodynamics plays very little role in the speed of a pinewood car. At this scale, the car just doesn't have enough surface area for aerodynamics to be a significant factor in the physics of a rolling car.


Acabado liso

A smooth finish has even less to do with a pinecar's speed than aerodynamics.


Adecuado despeje de rueda/eje

If the bottom of a pinecar contacts the track, it will exert a tremendous amount of drag on the car. It might not even make it down the track if this happens. The most common way that a car will come into contact with the track is if weights are added to the underside of the car without countersinking them. Always countersink your weights so that you know the car will not drag on the track.

The axle should be inserted into the car such that it does not pinch the wheel against the car, but without much room for the wheel to slide back and forth on the axle. Ideally it should slide about a sixteenth of an inch.


Reducir la agitación de la rueda

Wheel shaking occurs when the mold mark on the wheel's tread comes into contact with the track. This will happen once per rotation and will cause the wheel to jump into the air (even if ever so slightly). This energy would be put to better use powering your car toward the finish line. To address this issue, place the wheel into the chuck of an electric drill and rotate it against a piece of sandpaper you have mounted on a flat surface. Sand the tread down until it is smooth.


Conocer las tres teorías de la distribución del peso y la forma en que podrían afectar el rendimiento del automodelo de pino.


Diseñar y construir hasta completar lo siguiente (no construido anteriormente):


Kit básico completo de un automodelo de pino con acabado exterior


Kit de lujo/detallado de un automodelo de pino con acabado exterior completo y calcomanías


Ser creativo con la construcción de uno de los siguientes: un tanque, submarino, avión, piano, helado tipo sándwich, camión de bomberos, carne vegetariana, transporte escolar, carruaje de bebé, etc.


Utilizar detalles en el proyecto como volante, conductor, calcomanías, etc., siempre que estos detalles no superen la longitud máxima, el ancho y especificaciones de peso.


Participar en una carrera de automodelos de pino patrocinada por el club, distrito o asociación con un automodelo de pino actual.

Note: If you are planning to participate in a conference Pinewood Derby event be sure you use the correct specifications from your conference because some use different specifications than listed above.


Definir y practicar el buen espíritu deportivo en lo que se refiere a su vida cristiana.

While building and racing a pinewood derby car your Christian walk may be tested. If someone needed help on their design, did you help? If you are having trouble cutting your own car, did you accept help? Did you clean up your work area so the next person had a clean place to work, or so the staff didn’t have to clean up after you? Did you have to wait a while to use some of the tools? Being patient isn’t always easy.

Jesus was a Carpenter. Jesus may have spent many hours in a wood shop. I wonder if He helped Joseph design, transfer the design, clamp the wood, cut the wood with a saw, file, sand smooth, paint, assemble. I wonder how many tools did Jesus know how to use, that you just used yourself? I wonder...