AY Honor Christian Art of Preaching Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
1. Discuss the reasons / benefits of earning a Christian Art of Preaching Honor.
2. Define homiletic and cite your resources.
3. Define exegesis and cite your resources.
4. Investigate the meaning and history of oratory.
- a. Define oratory
- b. Research a few of the great speakers of Adventist history, making a brief report of:
- A speaker from our early beginnings
- A speaker from our modern history
- A distinguished speaker in your country
- c. Cite your sources.
5. Briefly describe the following, in terms of a Christian sermon: Characteristics:
- a. Thematic sermon
- b. Expository sermon
- c. Textual sermon Parts
- d. Introduction
- e. Body
- f. Illustration
- g. Call
- h. Conclusion
6. Show the appropriate use of these tools:
- a. Biblical dictionary
- b. Biblical concordance
- c. Thematic Study Bibles
- d. Online sources (Bibles, dictionaries, concordances, study aids, illustrations)
7. Prepare and present a detailed outline of a sermon in writing.
8. Do one of the following activities:
- a. Participate in a course on Christian preaching (obtain a certificate)
- b. Preach for a church worship (turn in the sermon outline)
- c. Present a brief summary on an event that the Club or the church participated in
- d. Have the outline of at least ten Christian sermons
9. Participate (or have participated) in the preaching at your church (or a district church) at least four times in the period of a year.
10. Obtain, for your personal collection, a book of sermon illustrations.