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< AY Honors‎ | Temperate Deciduous ForestsAY Honors/Temperate Deciduous Forests/Answer Key/es
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Please modify this list for those common in your closest temperate deciduous forest.
Note: the following gallery heavily favors birds in the North American biome. If you find Creative Commons images for birds found in the biome on other continents, please add them to the gallery AND list above.''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
File:Haliaeetus leucocephalus in flight over KSC.jpg|American Bald Eagle
File:Worm-eating Warbler.jpg|Worm-eating Warbler
File:Wilsonia pusilla.jpg|Wilson's Warbler (Eastern USA)
File:Canada Goose Standing.jpg|Canada Goose
File:Red-tailed Hawk with moon over Estero Bay CA - composition red-tail-moon-composite-2630s (323660913).jpg|Red-tailed Hawk
File:Cardinal male 2.JPG|Cardinal (Eastern USA)
File:Veery (7235498720).jpg|Veery (Eastern USA)
File:American Crow SanDiego RWD.jpg|Crow
File:Raven (Corvus corax) (2).JPG|Raven
File:Turkey Vulture (7172188840).jpg|Turkey Vulture
File:Wild Turkey Walking.jpg|Wild Turkey
File:Great Horned Owl at Fort DeSoto - Flickr - Andrea Westmoreland.jpg|Great Horned Owl
File:Blue Grosbeak female RWD3.jpg|Blue Grosbeak female
File:Yellow-throated Vireo by Dan Pancamo 1.jpg|Yellow-throated Vireo
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PLEASE NOTE THE WORDING "to your region." Hardwoods provided by broadleaf trees from the temperate deciduous forest biome provide different resources (albeit related) to different portions of the world. The list below is a suggestion and may differ somewhat from the correct answer for your region.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
*Hardwood for long lasting furniture
*Hardwood for floors, paneling, and other house building needs
*Hardwood for long lasting hot fires
*Maples for Maple syrup
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*food from hunting (especially deer)[http://sciencing.com/natural-resources-deciduous-forest-8443815.html]
*maintenance of the world's ecosystems as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the atmosphere.[http://sciencing.com/natural-resources-deciduous-forest-8443815.html]
*recreational areas (hiking, camping, geocaching, etc.)
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Invasive (non native) species abound. Plants, animals, and birds can all be considered invasive (non native) if they were introduced into an area that they were not originally native to.
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Revision as of 17:03, 23 April 2021

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Bosques templados caducifolios

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

Temperate Deciduous Forests AY Honor.png
Bosques templados caducifolios
Estudio de la naturaleza
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción


Describir o explicar la siguiente información acerca los bosques templados caducifolios:


En términos simples, describir un bosque templado caducifolio.


Hacer una lista de varias características de los bosques templados caducifolios.


Proveer otros nombres que se usan para el bosque templado caducifolio.


En un mapa, mostrar los continentes donde se pueden encontrar bosques templados caducifolios.
Extent of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests

North America, Europe, Asia, Australia. Note forests are not found in all parts of these continents, but they occur in locations that have suitable climates in these 4 continents.


Definir el bioma. ¿Qué se encuentra normalmente al norte de un bosque templado caducifolio?


Identificar, a partir de imágenes o en la naturaleza, cuatro tipos de árboles comúnmente encontrados en los bosques templados caducifolios.


Explicar por qué las hojas cambian de color en el otoño.


Leer Génesis 1:11-13. Descubrir cuándo Génesis 1 dice que los árboles fueron creados.


Identificar, a partir de imágenes o en la naturaleza, por lo menos cinco especies de plantas con flores, comúnmente encontradas en un bosque templado caducifolio. ¿Por qué usualmente sólo se encuentran durante la primavera?


Identificar, a partir de imágenes o en la naturaleza, por lo menos cinco tipos de mamíferos comúnmente encontrados en los bosques templados caducifolios.


Identificar, a partir de imágenes o en la naturaleza, por lo menos cinco tipos de aves comúnmente encontrados en los bosques templados caducifolios.


Hacer una lista de los recursos importantes proporcionados a su región por los bosques templados caducifolios.


Aprender acerca de una especie invasora que afecta a los bosques templados caducifolios.

National Park Service (USA) has a complete site with hundreds of links dedicated to invasive species present in the National Park system [1].


Key Online resources:

  • Invasive Plant Atlas.org [2] [National Park Service http://www.nps.gov] (search park name and then invasive species for a list)
  • The National Park Service (USA) has also provided downloadable PDFs with details and pictures for hundreds of invasive plant species by region.

Mid-Atlantic [3]

In the United States, the story usually goes something like this: Originally brought from (China, Japan, India, etc.) as an ornamental or decorative plant. Escaped, and began to take over the area.

Other plants were brought over purposefully to aid in erosion control, plant control, or even insect control. However, the invasion of the new species usually far outweighed the benefits.

Some invasive plant species include:


Preparar una lección de objeto acerca de una planta, animal o ave que vive en el bosque templado caducifolio. Compartir esta lección en un ambiente de grupo, como un culto de club/unidad, la historia infantil en la iglesia, una fogata o un programa de vespertinos.

Challenge the young people to collect (if collection is allowed) items as they go on a hike or walk through a deciduous forest. They can share their stories upon their return.

An OBJECT LESSON is defined as a type of story which involves a visible tangible object that the speaker displays during her/his talk.

Here is one example of many:

Fall Colors: The fall colors of the deciduous forests are famous around the world! The green chlorophyll in the leaves, which uses the suns light to make energy for the leaf, will become toxic to the tree if it remains and the temperatures get to cold. So the leaves break down the green-colored chlorophyll leaving the yellow and orange-colored carotene pigments, which have been hidden all summer by all the green chlorophyll. The red pigment of maple leaves is caused by anthocyanin. This red pigment is added in the fall at about the time the green chlorophyll disappears. While the colors are beautiful, one can’t help but wonder why so much energy is used to make all that red pigment which will last for only a couple of weeks and then be of no use when the leaves fall off?

Scientists have now discovered at least three possible purposes for the anthocyanin in fall. Red repels aphids! Seeing their favorite tree turn red makes them jump off and find some other leaf to eat! So once a year the anthocyanin acts as an insect repellent. Secondly, when the leaves fall off, the anthocyanin is absorbed in the soil around the base of the tree and acts as an herbicide. Other trees are less likely to sprout and grow and compete with the mature tree! The third reason for anthocyanin is that it can help the tree trap the sun’s energy when the chlorophyll is gone thus extending the growing season a bit longer.

God often does things that may seem strange to us but He always has a purpose for what He does. He acts on our behalf; each act for a functional purpose. But He also adds beauty to the work He does. Enjoy the fall colors and be reminded that He is in control.


Realizar por lo menos tres de las siguientes actividades:
Do from home
Tip for earning from home during the pandemic
Requirements 11b, d, and e can be done at home. Requirement 11a can be done if the trails in your area have not been shut down and if you maintain social distancing protocols during your visit. Requirement 11c could be possible with a virtual visit.


Visitar una exhibición o conservatorio de especies de árboles caducifolios.

Many hiking trails offer trail maps or sign posts with tree names and details mounted on or near the tree. Research whether your area has such a trail. Another option is to have a naturalist guide you on a hike to identify deciduous tree species.


Hacer una colección de por lo menos cinco tipos de hojas de árboles de un bosque templado caducifolio.


Visitar un zoológico o centro de naturaleza donde hay animales típicos del bioma de los bosques templados caducifolios.

Si piensa visitar un zoológico o acuario, tenga en cuenta que hay varias especialidades que tienen requisitos que se pueden cumplir visitando un zoológico o acuario. Los individuos pueden trabajar en varias especialidades en una visita, o partes de su grupo pueden trabajar en diferentes especialidades durante la misma visita.

Aquí hay una lista de especialidades que tienen requisitos que se pueden cumplir visitando un zoológico o acuario:

Animales nocivos

Animales venenosos

Camuflaje animal



Especies en peligro de extinción

La Creación

Mamíferos marinos



Pantanos y ciénagas

Pesca isleña

Selvas pluviales




Mirar un video acerca de los bosques templados caducifolios, o de plantas o animales que viven allí.


Dibujar o pintar una imagen de algo en que se divirtió aprender mientras estudiaba acerca de los bosques templados caducifolios.


Como grupo, hacer un breve video acerca de un proyecto de conservación de los bosques templados caducifolios de la vida real. Explicar por qué este hábitat específico debe ser salvado.


Visitar una tienda de madera y aprender a identificar por su textura de grano por lo menos tres especies de árboles que son caducifolios.
