AY Honors/Remember the Sabbath/Requirements

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Remember the Sabbath

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Arkansas-Louisiana Conference

Remember the Sabbath AY Honor.png
Remember the Sabbath
Skill Level
Approval authority
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
Year of Introduction

1. What does the color blue represent in the Bible?

2. Where was the first Seventh-day Adventist church in Arkansas?

3. Who was the pastor charged with painting his church on Sunday?

4. What was James M. Pool indicted for?

5. What was J. L. Shockey's crime?

6. Do you think the work done by J. L. James was an act of charity?

7. How many days after Z. Swearingen and Granz were hauling fence rails was the "Sabbath Law" enacted?

8. What was the name of the Arkansas senator who spoke against the Arkansas Sunday Laws in 1887?