Libro de respuestas de especialidades JA/Campamento/Fogata/Vidrio curvado

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Revision as of 02:23, 11 November 2014 by W126jep (talk | contribs) (Created page with "</noinclude> Un pedazo de vidrio curvado a veces se puede utilizar para enfocar los rayos del sol y encender la yesca. El vidrio debe ser lo suficientemente suave para no dist...")
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Un pedazo de vidrio curvado a veces se puede utilizar para enfocar los rayos del sol y encender la yesca. El vidrio debe ser lo suficientemente suave para no distorsionar excesivamente el punto de luz. Una lupa es lo típico utilizado para esto, pero hay otras posibilidades en caso de apuro.

It is possible, for instance, to use a piece of ice shaped into a sphere to do the same job. Getting the piece of ice round enough and, clear enough, and smooth enough to ignite a fire, however may prove to be difficult.

Others have reported success in polishing the bottom of a soda can, and using it as a mirror to reflect the sun's rays onto a point. Again, it takes a lot of patience to polish the can well enough to be able to light a fire this way, but it has been done. The polishing material can be any fine rouge-like substance, such as clay. The surprising thing about this particular technique is that a chocolate bar has been used as the polishing compound!