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Revision as of 17:43, 29 July 2014 by W126jep (talk | contribs)

¿Why w126jep?

The name «w126jep» has a very simple explanation. It was my student ID in one of the universities I attended. «W» for the name of the university, «126» a random set of three numbers, «jep» are my initials. I've used it ever since.


I was born in May of 1985. I have a B.A. in Psychology and am in the process of completing a Master's degree. I am Hispanic, born on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico and have lived in several different places in the U.S. I was raised in Hispanic churches but would often visit English speaking churches. Some of the states I've lived in include: Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and some others.