Especialidades JA/Procesar texto/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
1. Completar lo siguiente:
- a. Describir brevemente el significado del término «procesar texto».
- b. Hacer una lista de los componentes necesarios para procesar texto.
2. Demostrar buena postura al usar un teclado.
3. Demostrar la habilidad para correctamente:
- a. Encender la computadora y abrir el programa de procesar texto.
- b. Cerrar el programa de procesar texto y apagar la computadora.
Demonstrate ability to: (Note that this may be done in conjunction with Requirement 5)
- a.
Navigate the computer’s document / file storage system (viz Microsoft’s ‘My Documents’).
- b.
Retrieve / open a document from the computer’s document / file storage system.
- c.
Create a new folder in the computer’s document / file storage system.
- d.
Create a new word-processing document.
- e.
Give the new document a suitable file name and save it in the appropriate folder in the computer’s document / file storage system. Explain why it is important to ensure that a document being worked on is continually saved and backed up.
- f.
Ensure the document has its file name and its latest revision clearly noted on the document. Explain why it is important to do so.
Create a document consisting of no less than 800 words and which demonstrates skill in applying each of the following. Save and print the document. Make a backup copy.
- a.
Setting up a document:
- i.
Save the document in the appropriate folder. Make a new folder if this is best.
- ii.
Set page orientation: portrait or landscape.
- iii.
Create a header and footer.
- iv.
Set margins.
- v.
Insert automatic page numbering in the header or footer.
- vi.
Insert the date of the latest revision and the document’s file name in the header or footer.
- b.
Formatting a document using the following:
- i.
Fonts: Type (ie Arial etc), Size (ie 12 etc), Style (ie bold), Colour & Underlining.
- ii.
Text alignment: Left, Centre, Right and Justify.
- iii.
Line spacing.
- iv.
Lists and bullets.
- v.
Numbering of headings.
- c.
Editing a document by:
- i.
Copying text.
- ii.
Moving text.
- iii.
Correcting spelling and grammar using auto correct.
- iv.
Searching and replacing words or text.
- d.
Inserting into a document:
- i.
A table with headings and a minimum of 3 columns and 5 rows.
- ii.
A picture or Clip Art.