Especialidades JA/Fruticultura/Requisitos
Año de introducción:
1. ¿Por qué son los árboles frutales injertados?
2. ¿Qué quiere decir rusticidad?
3. ¿Qué lugar y qué condiciones de suelo se necesitan para crecer tres de los siguientes árboles?
- a. Manzanas
- b. Melocotones
- c. Peras
- d. Ciruelas
- e. Cerezas
- f. Naranjas
- g. Una elección equivalente que crezca en su área, no mencionada en las anteriores
4. What is a dwarf fruit tree, and how is it dwarfed?
5. Plant at least two fruit trees and train them by pruning for at least two seasons, or train and prune an existing tree. With supervision fertilize and spray as needed for one growing season. Show an example of harvested fruit to your examiner.
6. Answer the following questions:
- a. What is pollination?
- b. What is a pollinator?
- c. Which trees need a pollinator?
7. How are young trees protected from rodent damage? Protect your young trees from rodents.
8. Compare the qualities of flavor, texture, and appearance of two different varieties of the same fruit.