Especialidades JA/Mayordomía/Requisitos

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Año de introducción:
Stewardship AY Honor.png

1. ¿Cuál fue el papel de un mayordomo durante los tiempos bíblicos? ¿Qué ha ha llegado significar la mayordomía en la era moderna? Cree una «entrada de diccionario» moderna para el término.

2. ¿Es la mayordomía bíblica el manejo de toda la creación de Dios? ¿Cómo el Salmo 50:10-12 afecta su comprensión de la mayordomía bíblica? Hacer una lista de formas en que la mayordomía es parte de la vida diaria y no sólo los regalos financieros.

3. Con respecto a los principios bíblicos, describir brevemente el concepto de la mayordomía basado en la lista a continuación. ¿Qué ejemplo de la vida real se puede aplicar a cada uno? Usar referencias bíblicas para apoyar su respuesta.

4. En el voto de los Conquistadores, prometemos ser puros, bondadosos y leales. ¿Cómo se relaciona ese voto con la mayordomía de la mente?

5. Discutir cómo el texto que se encuentra en 1 Corintios 6:19 y 20 se relaciona con la mayordomía del cuerpo.

6. Using Genesis 2:15 as reference, choose from the list below, one way that you could help to care for God’s earth.

7. Do the following:

a. Read the Bible story about the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) or 1 Corinthians 12.

b. How does God reward the proper usage of talents? How can we know that all of us are given talents/giftedness? Why does it seem God appreciates variety in talents?

c. List three talents or skills that you feel you may have or want to possess. Sketch symbols that illustrate each talent and how it could be used for God’s glory (Ephesians 4:12).

d. Choose one of the talents from the previous list and create another list of three things you want to do to be a good steward and improve that specific talent.

e. Spend at least four hours planning and executing a community activity that uses your talents. Prepare and present the results of your project to a group.

8. Create a list of six daily activities and write down by each item how much time you think you usually spend on the activity. Afterward, measure how much time you actually spend on the items on your list. Some examples can be found below.

9. Briefly describe the fundamental difference between returning the tithes and giving offerings. Include biblical references to support your answer.

10. Discuss Malachi 3:10, answering the following questions:

a. What is the storehouse?

b. How does the storehouse function with reference to the church at large?

11. Briefly describe the process of how the tithe is dispersed and utilized from the local church to the local conference, union conference, division, and the General Conference.

a. Interview an individual (church treasurer, stewardship coordinator, etc.) within your church that is familiar with the church budget.

b. What are some of the financial obligations that your church must meet?

c. How are individual funds placed in a tithe envelope allocated? Prepare and present your findings to a group.