3. Describe the best way to keep stoves, microwave ovens, and refrigerators clean.
The best way to keep these items clean is by cleaning them often. As soon as something is spilled on the stovetop, in the microwave, or in the fridge, it is a lot easier to clean then than it will be later when the spilled item hardens.
4. Under what conditions do germs and pests thrive? Give ways of cleaning each of the following: basement, closets, cupboards, sinks, floors and toilets.
5. State the proper way to prepare dishes for washing, either in the sink or dishwasher. State the order in which silver, glass, table, and kitchen dishes should be washed.
6. How should rugs, carpets, pillows, upholstered furniture, papered walls, painted walls, floors, and windows be cleaned?
7. How is trash disposed of in your community?
8. What precautions should be taken in cleaning out a fireplace?