AY Honors/Prevention of Tropical Diseases/Answer Key

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Prevention of Tropical Diseases

Approval authority:
Skill Level:
Year of Introduction:
Prevention of Tropical Diseases AY Honor.png


1. Answer the following questions:

a. What are tropical diseases?

b. List at least five common tropical diseases in your region.

2. Research and explain the following diseases, including: transmission, signs and symptoms, treatment, how to prevent and combat them:

a. Malaria

b. Yellow fever

c. Leishmaniasis

d. Dengue

e. Chagas

3. Explain how to remove the following deposits of accumulated water, avoiding the proliferation of mosquitos:

a. Tires

b. Bottles

c. Animal feeders

d. Water tanks

e. Bromeliads or plants that accumulate water

f. Flower pots

g. Tubs

h. Gutters

i. Lids, cans and small disposable bowls

j. External refrigerator tray

4. Complete the following tasks:

a. Participate, together with your club, unit, or school, in a campaign against dengue in your neighborhood.

b. Collect containers that can accumulate water in plazas and streets in your community, and eliminate them correctly.

c. Acquire informational brochures about the main tropical diseases and distribute them in your neighborhood or school.

d. Correctly eliminate the trash in your home for a week.

e. Help an elderly person in your neighborhood free from deposits that accumulate water, carrying out the following tasks:

i. Teach how to maintain the home free from possible focus point for mosquitoes.

ii. Inform about care and symptoms of the researched diseases.

iii. Clean the home, collect and eliminate unusable deposits.

5. With the help of your counselor, make a presentation, debate or skit for your club or unit about tropical diseases studied in this honor.
