Especialidades JA/Esquí alpino/Respuestas

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Esquí alpino
Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1938




Conocer las ventajas y desventajas de esquís acampanados y rectos.


¿Cómo el borde curvo de los esquís ayuda al esquiador a dar los giros?

The side cut helps because the skier can dig into the snow with the sides when "carving" along the trail.


¿Qué normas generales debería utilizar en la selección de la correcta longitud de los esquís y bastones para usted mismo?

At the time of the original downhill skiing honor the standard for ski size was as follows: The skis you use have to be to your elbow or to your wrist with an up arm stretch depending on how big you are. If you are heavy you should use long skis that reach to your wrist and if you are lightweight then you should use short skis that reach to your elbow.


Conocer los diseños de botas y cómo estas características puede afectar a su esquí.

The boot is the skier's vital link to the ski. The boot's design helps it to clip onto the boot and keeps it from twisting and turning. It gives the skier less stress knowing he doesn't have to worry about his skis falling off. It must allow the skier to flex forward firmly and comfortably. They must make the skier's feet warm in all climates, and they must be able to last several seasons.


¿Por qué es importante el apropiado ajuste de la bota del esquí? ¿Qué determina el ajuste adecuado?

A binding adjustment is a useful feature of the ski. Without it the skier would fall off the ski and slide around.


Conocer lo que es una correa de seguridad o freno de esquí y explicar su propósito.

Safety straps and ski breaks have two major purposes. The first purpose is to keep the ski near the skier to keep him from losing the ski in the case that it comes off and slides down a slope. Otherwise, the skier will be stranded, or at least experience a greatly increased time in reaching the eventual destination. The second purpose is to keep the ski from becoming a moving hazard to other skiers. If no ski straps or break was on a ski, it would continue moving until something else stopped it. During its trip, it could move into the path of other skiers, causing them to make abrupt stops and turns, collide with objects or other people, or simply fall themselves. Any of these actions could cause injury to those other skiers.


¿Qué debe hacer si usted llega hacia un esquiador herido que todavía no ha recibido ayuda alguna?

If you see an injured skier, even from a distance, you should stop and help. If you are with a partner, one of you should go for ski patrol while the other stays with the person. If they are in a ski well, help them get their skis off. The potential of needing to know where to send help is a good reason to always keep track of what run you are on.


Discutir y efectuar buenas prácticas deportivas en las zonas de esquí.


¿Qué cuidados se debe dar el equipo de esquí después de su uso? ¿Qué se debe hacer con el equipo de esquí antes de su uso cada temporada?

The original honor did not specify what equipment, but the South Pacific variant lists the following:


Esquiar colinas medianas bajo control y ejecutar virajes/vueltas en buena forma.


Saber cómo montarse y bajarse de manera correcta de un teleférico, barras tipo T o barras tipo J y demostrar a través de la experiencia, sin poner en peligro a usted o a otras personas, su capacidad para montar en estos equipos.

Remember to lift up your skis when getting on and off a chairlift. Your skis can catch in the snow and easily pull you off the chair. Be sure to take your ski poles off your wrists but make sure you keep a good hold on them so you don't drop one on a person below the lift. When getting off, always look before you go down the little hill. A less experienced boarder or skier could have fallen and you do not want to run into them.

After skiing the mountain, give a report on it and fulfill a major requirement for the Mountains Honor.


The South Pacific Division has a variation of this honor with useful resources and some alternative requirements: This resource is the source of the equipment discriptions and care information and the skier responsibility code presented here.