AY Honors/Dog Care and Training/Answer Key

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1. Describe the steps you should take in the following areas of dog care:

a. Selection

b. Registration

c. Shots

2. Do at least two of the following:

a. Describe what can be done to remove fleas, ticks, and lice from your dog.


The best course of action is to prevent these parasites from infecting your dog by treating them with a preventative medicine. One such medicine is Fipronil, the active ingredient in Frontline. Another is Imidacloprid Permethrin, the active ingredient in K9 Advantix. These medicines are applied topically every month and are available with a veterinarian's prescription. Your dog's vet may advise other measures as well.

Tick Removal

If you find a tick attached to your dog, find a pair of tweezers and dip them in rubbing alcohol. Grasp the tick as near the dog's skin as possible and then gently pull. Be patient and pull firmly and with consistent force. The tick will eventually tire and release its grip. You can then either place it in a sealable container (such as a freezer bag or a jar) so that it can be analyzed by a vet, or you can destroy it by dropping it in rubbing alcohol. Wash your hands when you are finished.

When removing the tick:

  • Do not squeeze the tick's body - pull it out by grasping it near its jaws.
  • Do not twist the tick - just pull.
  • Do not try to "burn the tick out" by applying a lit match to it. This is dangerous! It is also likely to cause the tick to disgorge bacteria into your dog's bloodstream.
  • Don't allow your dog to eat the tick (it will likely try).

Flea and Lice Removal

Fleas and lice can be combed out of your dog's hair. If your dog has an infestation you should give it a bath with flea/lice shampoo, then groom the dog with a fine comb. Finally, dip the dog in a pyrethrin dip. You will also need to treat any area where your dog has spent a lot of time (its bed, dog house, etc) to prevent reinfestation.

b. Mention some of the diseases, pests, and worms that dogs can get.

c. Explain what you should do for a dog bite.

3. Describe how to housebreak a puppy.

4. Explain in detail how you would wash a dog and care for its general hygiene.

5. Take full responsibility for feeding and watering a dog for two or three months.

6. Train your dog until you can successfully demonstrate the following:*

a. Heel: Your dog walks close to your left side and sits when you halt.

b. Figure 8: Your dog stays close to your side without sniffing people, fire hydrants, or other dogs.

c. Stand for examination: Your dog allows strangers to touch him.

d. Recall: Your dog comes when called, sits directly in front of you, and moves to your left side on command.

e. Long sit and long down: Your dog stays in either position while you attend to other business.

* If at all possible, dogs and handlers should get instructions from a qualified teacher, preferably in a class. A certificate of completion of training in any dog obedience class with a qualifying score of 170 out of the possible 200 will be accepted for this honor.
