Discuss AY Honor Sanctuary Answer Key used by General Conference

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Revision as of 21:54, 13 April 2018 by W126jep (talk | contribs) (→‎Translating templates: new section)


The verses for the color meaning have a very weak relation to some of them ... Marc3 (talk) 06:40, 12 April 2018 (EDT)

Is there a source/bible verses for the meaning of the different covers? Marc3 (talk) 12:50, 13 April 2018 (EDT)

Are you asking about #3b? I am not sure if there are Bible verses to back those answers up. I do not know who did the edit, I would have to go into the page history and see who posted those answers. It certainly does make sense to provide supporting documentation! --w126jep (talk) 13:02, 13 April 2018 (EDT)

Translating templates

To translate templates, the whole chunk has to included under one tag. As you may have noticed on #6, unless it is all under one tag, the separated template will come up in the original language (in this case, English). I have never been able to figure it out or why, so I have always left the templates together. If you're able to figure it out, Marc3, please enlighten me! If not, that has been the way that we have gotten around it so it shows up in Spanish. -- w126jep (talk) 15:54, 13 April 2018 (EDT)