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< AY Honors‎ | WeatherAY Honors/Weather/Answer Key/pt-br
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<!-- 4. Por que é possível haver chuva de um lado de uma montanha, e estar seco o outro lado? Dar uma ilustração em seu país ou região. -->
<!-- 4. Why is it possible to be rainy on one side of the mountain range and dry on the other? Give an illustration for your country or region.<br> a. Why is it cooler and more moist in the mountains than in the lowlands?<br> b. From which direction do rain and clear weather usually come in your locality? -->
[[Image:Wave cloud.jpg|thumb|320 px|This wave cloud pattern formed off of the Île Amsterdam in the far southern Indian Ocean, due to orographic lift of an airmass by the island, producing alternating bands of condensed and invisible humidity downwind of the island as the moist air moves in vertical waves and the moisture successively condenses and evaporates.]]
'''Orographic lift''' occurs when an air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain. As the air mass gains altitude it expands and cools. This cooler air cannot hold the moisture as well as warm air and this effectively raises the relative humidity to 100%, creating clouds and frequently precipitation.

Revision as of 16:23, 12 August 2021

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Associação Geral

Weather AY Honor.png
Estudo da natureza
Nível de habilidade
Autoridade de aprovação
Associação Geral
Ano de introdução
Veja também


Explicar como os seguintes fenômenos se formam:
















Identificar no céu, ou em fotografias, os seguintes tipos de nuvens: cirros, cúmulos, nimbos e estratos. Que tipo de tempo está associado a cada uma delas?


Explicar a ação de um termômetro de mercúrio, barômetro de mercúrio, barômetro aneróide e pluviômetro.


Por que é possível haver chuva de um lado de uma montanha, e estar seco o outro lado? Dar uma ilustração em seu país ou região.
a. Por que é mais fresco e úmido nas montanhas, do que nos vales?
b. De que direção geralmente vem a chuva e o tempo bom em sua região?


Demonstrar, com ajuda de um diagrama, como a relação entre a Terra e o Sol produz as diferentes estações.


O que causa os raios e trovões? Quais os tipos diferentes de raios existentes?


Lightning is caused when electrical charges build up in clouds. Scientists are still unsure exactly why that happens, but it is plausible that water droplets and ice travelling up and down within the cloud separate electrons from one another and transport them to the lower portions of the cloud. However this happens, it causes the cloud to have an electric field. When this field becomes strong enough, the electrons in the cloud begin to repel electrons on the ground, causing the ground to have a positive charge. When the voltage difference between the ground and the cloud becomes great enough, the air breaks down and actually conducts electricity. The air actually turns into plasma. When it conducts, the result is a lightning strike. The charge lowers toward earth usually splitting into filaments; these attract an upward plasma charge from objects on the earth such as trees, poles, towers, animals, blades of grass. These filaments are visible to the eye. Many of these charges will travel upwards but usually only one will contact the filaments in the air completing the circuit. Once this happens, lightning strikes with a gigantic release of energy.


Com auxílio de um diagrama, demonstrar o que é convecção e qual sua relação com o vento?
Strong convection redistributes heat and moisture
Diagram showing convection currents

A rising body of air typically loses heat because it radiates heat. At some point the air becomes denser than the air underneath it, which is still rising. Since it cannot descend through the rising air, it moves to one side. At some distance its downward force overcomes the rising force beneath it and the air begins to descend. As it descends, it warms again through surface contact, conductivity, or compression, and the cycle repeats itself. (The heating through compression of descending air is what is responsible for such welcome winter phenomena as what is known in Western North America as a Chinook wind or in the Alps as a Föhn wind.)


Explicar como radares, satélites e computadores são usados na previsão do tempo.


A weather radar is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, hail, etc.), and forecast its future position and intensity. Modern weather radars are mostly doppler radars, capable of detecting the motion of rain droplets in addition to intensity of the precipitation. Both types of data can be analyzed to determine the structure of storms and their potential to cause severe weather.


Explicar como os itens a seguir podem afetar o tempo:


Correntes de jato


Erupções vulcânicas


Fazer um desenho mostrando o ciclo de água na meteorologia.
The movement of water around, over, and through the Earth is called the water cycle.

The water cycle is the continuous movement of water over, above, and beneath the Earth's surface. It is powered by solar energy, and because it is a cycle, there is no beginning or end. As water moves around in the hydrosphere, it changes state among liquid, vapour, and ice. The time taken for water to move from one place to another varies from seconds to thousands of years, and the amount of water stored in different parts of the hydrosphere ranges up to 1.37 billion km³, which is contained in the oceans. Despite continual movement within the hydrosphere, the total amount of water at any one time remains essentially constant.


Fazer um cata-vento simples ou pluviômetro.

Wind Vane

A simple wind vane can be made by fastening two sides of a strip of heavy paper around a short section of drinking straw. First, bend the strip in half. Place the straw in the bend and then glue the strip to itself. Drive a dowel, broom stick, or some similar item into the ground where you wish to measure the wind direction, and drive a finish nail into the top end. Then place the straw over the nail so that it may swing freely. When the wind blows, the vane (strip of paper and straw) will swivel on the nail indicating the wind direction.


Manter um quadro meteorológico durante uma semana e registrar a leitura do tempo em intervalos de 12 horas. Incluir o seguinte:
a. Temperatura
b. Umidade (orvalho, neblina, chuva, geada ou neve)
c. Formação de nuvens
d. Direção do vento

You may need to call your Pathfinders every day to get them to do this. It may help to build the weather instruments from requirement 11 first to build some excitement about weather. It may also help to work on this honor during the season in your area that has the most extreme weather. You can download a tracking chart here and give one to each of your students. http://www.pathfindersonline.org/pdf/resources/weather_tracking_chart.pdf
