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Revision as of 04:35, 26 January 2017

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High Ropes - Advanced

Approval authority:
Skill Level:
Year of Introduction:
High Ropes Advanced AY Honor.png


(Instructor required)

1. Be 14 years or older.

2. Have the High Ropes honor.

For tips and instruction see High Ropes.

3. Set and work towards a new personal goal.

4. Know and demonstrate proper safety with ropes.

5. Properly execute a practice climb and decent using crab claws.

6. Set up and take down a high element.

7. Show how to properly coil a rope. Know proper care of rope and demonstrate how to log and store rope.

Partial answer: Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Knot/Care Of Rope

8. Properly position and describe the job of spotters on low elements.

9. Participate in four low elements, different from those done to earn the High Ropes honor.

10. Create your own spiritual metaphor for a high element.

11. Execute two high elements, different from those done to earn the High Ropes honor.

12. Properly position and describe the job of each member of the belay team.

13. Be familiar with two different methods of belay.

14. Correctly and safely belay five people, one of who weighs at least 20 pounds more than the belayer.


Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Regional/flpatchnote