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= Carpentry =
== Describe the function of the following tools: ==
=== Band Saw ===
=== Belt Sander ===
=== Jig Saw ===
=== Miter Saw ===
=== Radial Arm Saw ===
=== Router ===
=== Shaper ===
=== Wood Lathe ===
== Demonstrate how to use the following tools: ==
=== Block Plane ===
=== Circular Saw (cut a straight line) ===
=== Framing Square ===
=== Hammer ===
=== Hand Saw (cut a straight line) ===
=== Level ===
=== Measuring Tape ===
=== Nail Set ===
=== Plumb Bob ===
=== Wood Chisel ===
== Describe the use of and distinguish between the following types of nails: ==
=== 20 Penny ===
=== 16 Penny ===
=== 12 Penny ===
=== 8 Penny ===
=== 6 Penny ===
=== Finish ===
=== Brad ===
=== Roofing ===
=== Screw Nail ===
=== Sinker ===
=== Common ===
=== Galvenized ===
== Assist in Erecting a building not less than 6x8 feet in ground dimensions with a gable roof and at least one door and one window, demonstrating ability to measure and use tools from requirement 2. ==
This module has many different areas to consider.
This module has many different areas to consider.
1) Safety
# Safety
  1.1 Safety is your responability.
## Safety is your responability.
  1.2 Safety on the Job site.
## Safety on the Job site.
  1.3 Safety for the other people around you
## Safety for the other people around you
  1.4 Enviromental safety.
## Enviromental safety.
2) PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)
# PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)
  2.1 What is PPE Personal Protection Equipment?
## What is PPE Personal Protection Equipment?
  2.2 Things to think about when buying PPE
## Things to think about when buying PPE
  2.3 Codes and regulation about PPE
## Codes and regulation about PPE
3) OSHA regulations
# OSHA regulations
4) Tools selection
# Tools selection
5) Materials selection and inspection
# Materials selection and inspection
6) Blue print reading
# Blue print reading
7) Basic construction
# Basic construction
8) Building codes
# Building codes
9) Permits
# Permits
10) Building inspections
# Building inspections
11) Understanding other construction that effect your task or yours effecting the next task
# Understanding other construction that effect your task or yours effecting the next task
== When building the above project, use all of these features: ==
=== Floor Joist ===
=== Sub Floor ===
=== Shoe Plate ===
=== Top Plate ===
=== Double Plate ===
=== Conventional Roof or Trusses ===
=== Felt Roof ===
=== Shingles ===
=== Window with Weight-bearing Header ===
=== Door with Weight-bearing Header ===
=== Fascia on Eaves ===
=== Siding ===
'''Note: Participants must be 16 years old or older to use power tools.'''

Revision as of 00:34, 27 October 2005


Describe the function of the following tools:

Band Saw

Belt Sander

Jig Saw

Miter Saw

Radial Arm Saw



Wood Lathe

Demonstrate how to use the following tools:

Block Plane

Circular Saw (cut a straight line)

Framing Square


Hand Saw (cut a straight line)


Measuring Tape

Nail Set

Plumb Bob

Wood Chisel

Describe the use of and distinguish between the following types of nails:

20 Penny

16 Penny

12 Penny

8 Penny

6 Penny




Screw Nail




Assist in Erecting a building not less than 6x8 feet in ground dimensions with a gable roof and at least one door and one window, demonstrating ability to measure and use tools from requirement 2.

This module has many different areas to consider.

  1. Safety
    1. Safety is your responability.
    2. Safety on the Job site.
    3. Safety for the other people around you
    4. Enviromental safety.
  2. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)
    1. What is PPE Personal Protection Equipment?
    2. Things to think about when buying PPE
    3. Codes and regulation about PPE
  3. OSHA regulations
  4. Tools selection
  5. Materials selection and inspection
  6. Blue print reading
  7. Basic construction
  8. Building codes
  9. Permits
  10. Building inspections
  11. Understanding other construction that effect your task or yours effecting the next task

When building the above project, use all of these features:

Floor Joist

Sub Floor

Shoe Plate

Top Plate

Double Plate

Conventional Roof or Trusses

Felt Roof


Window with Weight-bearing Header

Door with Weight-bearing Header

Fascia on Eaves


Note: Participants must be 16 years old or older to use power tools.