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<!-- 4. Responder las siguientes preguntas sobre la preparación del material del techado con paja: -->
<!-- 4. Answer the following questions on the preparation of thatching material: -->
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Grass is cut after it has gone to seed and most of the seed has been dispersed. This is usually after the first frost (in areas where frost occurs), which also stops active growth of the grass.
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Grass should be bundled as soon as it is harvested and stacked off the ground and under cover. It needs to be protected from the elements while it cures.
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A sickle is run through the bundles to remove any leaves and to straighten the thatch. This will help it to be tightly packed, which is necessary if it is to be water proof and resist fire.
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<!-- 5. Answer the following: -->
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Revision as of 00:43, 11 May 2021

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Techos de paja

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Asociación General

Thatching AY Honor.png
Techos de paja
Artes y actividades manuales
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Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
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Hacer una lista de las distintas herramientas necesarias para el techado con paja, indicando sus usos, y mostrar un «dekspaan» y una «aguja» que ha hecho.


Decir qué materiales se necesitan para levantar la estructura de un techo listo para colocarle la paja. Decir brevemente cómo se va construyendo la estructura de una choza.


Nombrar de los distintos materiales necesarios para techado con paja, incluidos varias clases de «hierbas» e «hilos». Mostrar modelos de los mismos.


Responder las siguientes preguntas sobre la preparación del material del techado con paja:


¿Cuándo se corta la hierba/zacate y cómo se apila para el almacenamiento?


¿Cómo se «peina» la hierba y hecha lista para el techado con paja?


¿Cómo es hecha la cuerda para el techado con paja? ¿Qué materiales primas Círculo verde.png (crudos) se utilizan en su localidad?


Contestar las siguientesː


¿Puede cualquier forma de techo ser techado con pajaʔ

No. A roof needs to have a pitch of at least 45° or steeper, or it is not suited to thatching. Thatched roofs should be as simple as possible, though complex roofs are frequently thatched. Dormers, multiple ridges, and valleys should be avoided, though they can be accommodated.


¿Cuál es el techo más fácil de techar con paja?

A conical roof is easiest to thatch because the thatcher simply starts at the bottom and goes around until he has circled the entire structure. Then the next layer is added. With a conical roof, there are no tricky corners or transitions to worry about except at the peak which is a single point.


¿Cuáles son algunas de las ventajas de un techo de paja?

Thatched roofs use native materials which avoids the cost and expense of manufacture and transport. Thatch is also a cheap and usually abundant building material which blends well with the house's surrounding environment.

Thatched roofs are not uncommon among luxury homes (especially in the U.K.) because of the aesthetic charm. A well-thatched roof which is well cared for can be expected have a lifespan exceeding 50 years. By comparison, asphalt shingled roofs have an expected lifespan of only 20 to 30 years.


¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que daña el techo con paja? ¿Cómo proteger un techo de paja de tales cosas?


The greatest disadvantage of thatch is that when it catches on fire, it is extremely difficult to extinguish. Thatch roofs do not catch on fire any more frequently than other types of combustible roofs, but when they do ignite, damage is extensive. Some insurance companies will not insure a building with a thatched roof because of this, and also because skilled thatchers are sometimes very expensive to hire.

Fire can be abated by treating thatch with a fire retardant. A law was passed in London, England in 1212 requiring all existing thatched roofs to be whitewashed with plaster daub.

The construction of the thatched roof also plays a key role in its susceptibility to fire. Thatch should be densely packed, between 35 to 50 kg/m2, and at least 175 mm thick.

Wire should not be used in the construction of a thatched building, as it is a conductor of lightning. Rather, natural materials should be used to bind the thatch, such as sisal twine.

The building should also be equipped with proper lightning protection.

No wiring should enter the building through the thatch (including electrical, telephone, cable TV, etc.). Rather, it should enter either underground through a conduit, or through a non-thatched wall. Antennas should never be mounted on a thatched roof.

The roof should be regularly groomed so that loose straws (which are easily ignited) are removed.


Thatch is obviously an organic material, and as such, it is susceptible to decay. To protect against this, the thatch should not be harvested until after the first frost has ended its growing season. After it is harvested, it should be stored off the ground and under cover. Leaves should not be allowed to accumulate on the roof of a thatched building, and the roof should be steep - at least 45° - to facilitate the rapid runoff of water. The growth of vegetation on a thatched roof inhibits runoff, so it should be removed quickly if it takes hold.


Thatch may be attacked by all manner of vermin, though their numbers are usually held quite low. Any number of poisons can be sprayed on the thatch to eliminate this problem.


Tener algunos conocimientos prácticos sobre el techado con paja y demostrar capacidad en la colocación de unas pocas hileras de paja.


Contestar lo siguiente:


¿Cuántos trabajadores se necesitan en el techado con paja de una choza?

A rondavel is usually thatched by a team of four people.

The first worker passes the bundles of thatch up to the workers on the roof. Before doing this, he will butt the end of the bundle on a flat surface. This blunts the ends of the straws and lines them up.

Two more people work on top of the roof, and a fourth person works from the inside.


Describir cómo iniciaría el techado con paja de una choza.


Decir y, si es posible, demostrar cómo haría para terminar un techo redondo y un techo de gablete (piñón).