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< AY Honors‎ | Stamps - AdvancedAY Honors/Stamps - Advanced/Answer Key/es
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<!-- 4. Hacer una colección de 750 sellos adicionales con un mínimo de 50 sellos de cinco países extranjeros. -->
<!-- 4. Make a collection of 750 additional stamps with at least 50 stamps from each of five foreign countries. -->
:''Collect more stamps in addition to those you collected for the Stamps honor.''
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<!-- 5. Nombrar dos catálogos para la identificación de los sellos. -->
<!-- 5. Name two different catalogs for identifying stamps. -->
:A stamp catalog (or stamp catalogue) is a catalog of postage stamp types. Although basically just a list of descriptions and prices, in practice the catalog is an essential tool of stamp collecting.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:Originally catalogs were just dealers' price lists, and in some cases, such as Stanley Gibbons, that is still one of their functions. Over time, as philately developed, catalogs tended to accumulate additional supporting details about the stamps, such as dates of issue, color variations, and so forth. As their use by collectors became widespread, the catalogs came to define what was and was not a legitimate stamp, since collectors would avoid stamps not described in their catalog.
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:There are only a handful of catalogs with worldwide coverage:
:* [http://www.michel.de/ Michel] - The Michel catalog (MICHEL-Briefmarken-Katalog) is the largest and best-known stamp catalog in the German-speaking world. First published in 1910, it has become an important reference work for philately, with information not available in the English-language Scott catalog.
:* Minkus
:* [http://www.stanleygibbons.com/ Stanley Gibbons] - is a company based in London, England specialising in the trade of collectible postage stamps and related products who are currently based at 399 Strand, London. The company was established by Edward Stanley Gibbons in 1856 on the basis of his purchase of a sackful of rare triangular stamps from the Cape of Good Hope.
:* Scott - The Scott catalogue of postage stamps put out by Scott Publishing Co, a subsidiary of Amos Press, is updated annually and lists all the stamps of the entire world which its editors recognize as issued for postal purposes.
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<!-- 6. Usando un catálogo de sellos, identificar y montar de acuerdo con el número de catálogo y el país. -->
<!-- 6. Using a stamp catalog, identify and mount according to catalog number and country. -->
:''Identify and mount your collected stamps.''
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<noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<!-- 7. Montar sus sellos con bisagras de papel engomado o monturas de plástico. Monturas de plástico se prefiere para la acuñación de sellos. -->
<!-- 7. Mount your stamps with gummed hinges or plastic mounts. (Plastic mounts are preferred for mint stamps.) -->
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/es]]
:''Mount your stamps''
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Stamps/es]]
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Stamps]]
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Revision as of 23:26, 10 May 2021

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Stamps Advanced AY Honor.png
Filatelia - Avanzado
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Tener la especialidad de Filatelia.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Filatelia.


Conocer el significado de los siguientes términos:




Sellos con letras perforadas




Bloques planchados


Bloques planchados


Primer día de emisión




Hojas conmemorativas


Marcas de agua




Hacer una exposición de al menos 16 páginas adecuado para un club de sellos, la Feria de Conquistadores, o Feria Juvenil de Filatelia. La exposición debe ser artísticamente organizada, perfectamente etiquetada y montada, mostrando una cuidadosa reflexión e investigación. Caches y cubiertas deben utilizarse también.


Hacer una colección de 750 sellos adicionales con un mínimo de 50 sellos de cinco países extranjeros.


Nombrar dos catálogos para la identificación de los sellos.


Usando un catálogo de sellos, identificar y montar de acuerdo con el número de catálogo y el país.


Montar sus sellos con bisagras de papel engomado o monturas de plástico. Monturas de plástico se prefiere para la acuñación de sellos.