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<section begin=Body />
<b>1. <section begin=req1 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:1-->
</noinclude>Name at least five house plants raised for their foliage.
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req1 /></b>
<b>2. <section begin=req2 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:2-->
</noinclude>Name three house plants raised for their flowers.
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req2 /></b>
Gmail customer service phone Number 1-888-886-4355 Gmail support phone Number @1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number 1-888-886-4355 Gmail technical support phone Number Gmail help number Gmail password recovery Gmail password reset Gmail helpline Number Gmail helpline 1-888-886-4355 Gmail help Gmail customer service Gmail helpline Gmail customer care phone number Gmail contact number,1-888-886-4355 Gmail Customer Care Number
<b>3. <section begin=req3 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:3-->
</noinclude>Name three house plants adapted to:
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req3 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req3a /><noinclude><translate><!--T:4-->
</noinclude>direct sunlight
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req3a /></b>
Call, +1-888-886-4355 for all type help by 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number , Intuit 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number Gmail Help Desk Number Gmail tech support Number Gmail technical support phone Number , 1-888-886-4355 Gmail Number Gmail technical support Number Gmail support phone Number Gmail technical support, 1-888-886-4355 Gmail customer service phone Number Gmail Customer Service Number Gmail Customer Support Number Gmail Customer Support Number ,1-888-886-4355 Gmail Customer Service Helpline Number Gmail Customer Care Number Gmail support team Number Gmail help Number -1-888-886-4355 Gmail Helpline Number ; 1-888-886-4355
:<b>b. <section begin=req3b /><noinclude><translate><!--T:5-->
</noinclude>dry soils
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req3b /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req3c /><noinclude><translate><!--T:6-->
</noinclude>very moist soils
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req3c /></b>
Gmail help Number -1-888-886-4355 Gmail Helpline Number Gmail Tech Support Toll free Number Gmail Support Number Gmail Tech Support Number Gmail Tech Support contact Number Gmail support contact Number Gmail technical support contact Number . Call, +1-888-886-4355 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number , Intuit 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number Gmail Help Desk Number Gmail tech support Number Gmail technical support phone Number Gmail Number Gmail technical support Number Gmail support phone Number . It is very popular toll free Number which provide by 1-888-886-4355 Gmail technical support, 1-888-886-4355 Gmail customer service phone Number Gmail Customer Service Number Gmail Customer Support Number Gmail Customer Support Number Gmail Customer Service Helpline Number Gmail Customer Care Number Gmail support team Number . Call, 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number , Intuit 1-888-886-4355 Gmail tech support phone Number Gmail Help Desk Number Gmail tech support Number Gmail technical support phone Number Gmail Number Gmail technical support Number Gmail support phone Number Gmail technical support, 1-888-886-4355 Gmail customer service phone Number Gmail Customer Service Number Gmail Customer Support Number Gmail Customer Support Number Gmail Customer Service Helpline Number Gmail Customer Care Number Gmail support team Number , #1-888-886-4355 Gmail Tech Support
<b>4. <section begin=req4 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:7-->
</noinclude>Most house plants like a 65 to 75-degree (18 C - 22 C) temperature. Name one that requires a cool room (45 to 55 degrees F [7 C - 13 C]).
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req4 /></b>
<b>5. <section begin=req5 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:8-->
</noinclude>Prepare a special potting mix soil including at least 3 different ingredients. Select two house plants and grow them in this soil for three months.
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req5 /></b>
<b>6. <section begin=req6 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:9-->
</noinclude>How much light does an African violet need? Where in the house is the best place to grow them? Grow two or more African violets. Indicate whether they are boy or girl type violets.
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req6 /></b>
<b>7. <section begin=req7 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:10-->
</noinclude>All gesneriads need approximately the same growing conditions. Where do they come from originally? What kind of temperature, light, and humidity do they need?
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req7 /></b>
<section begin=challenge />
<b>8. <section begin=req8 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:11-->
</noinclude>Name two house plants that may be propagated from leaves, stem sections or divisions. Raise one plant from two of these methods and keep it growing at least six months.
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req8 /></b>
<section end=challenge />
<b>9. <section begin=req9 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:33-->
</noinclude>What is a bonsai?
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req9 /></b>
<b>10. <section begin=req10 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:34-->
</noinclude>What is humidity and how is it important to a plant?
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req10 /></b>
<b>11. <section begin=req11 /><noinclude><translate><!--T:35-->
</noinclude>Grow at least five of the following:<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a. African Violet<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b. Aspidistra<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;c. Aluminum plant<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;d. Daffodil<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;e. Gloxinia<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;f. Maidenhair fern<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;g. Piggy‑back plant<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h. Tulip<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;i. Boston fern<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;j. Begonia<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k. Bird's nest fern<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l. Ficus<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m. Hyacinth<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;n. Narcissus<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;o. Spider plant<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p. Coleus<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;q. Crocus<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;r. Caladium<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;s. Geranium<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t. Iris<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;u. hilodendron<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v. Sanseveria
<noinclude></translate></noinclude><section end=req11 /></b>
<section end=Body />
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Latest revision as of 14:43, 14 April 2021

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House Plants

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

House Plants AY Honor.png
House Plants
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Name at least five house plants raised for their foliage.

2. Name three house plants raised for their flowers.

3. Name three house plants adapted to:

a. direct sunlight

b. dry soils

c. very moist soils

4. Most house plants like a 65 to 75-degree (18 C - 22 C) temperature. Name one that requires a cool room (45 to 55 degrees F [7 C - 13 C]).

5. Prepare a special potting mix soil including at least 3 different ingredients. Select two house plants and grow them in this soil for three months.

6. How much light does an African violet need? Where in the house is the best place to grow them? Grow two or more African violets. Indicate whether they are boy or girl type violets.

7. All gesneriads need approximately the same growing conditions. Where do they come from originally? What kind of temperature, light, and humidity do they need?

8. Name two house plants that may be propagated from leaves, stem sections or divisions. Raise one plant from two of these methods and keep it growing at least six months.

9. What is a bonsai?

10. What is humidity and how is it important to a plant?

11. Grow at least five of the following:
    a. African Violet
    b. Aspidistra
    c. Aluminum plant
    d. Daffodil
    e. Gloxinia
    f. Maidenhair fern
    g. Piggy‑back plant
    h. Tulip
    i. Boston fern
    j. Begonia
    k. Bird's nest fern
    l. Ficus
    m. Hyacinth
    n. Narcissus
    o. Spider plant
    p. Coleus
    q. Crocus
    r. Caladium
    s. Geranium
    t. Iris
    u. hilodendron
    v. Sanseveria