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<!-- 2. Plan and execute a one-hour Sabbath camping activity other than worship to make the Sabbath a meaningful experience. -->
<!-- 2. Planificar y ejecutar una actividad de sábado de una hora de duración en el campamento, diferente del culto de adoración para hacer del sábado una experiencia significativa. -->
There are many ways to fulfill this requirement.
Hay muchas maneras de cumplir este requisito.
===Themed Scavenger Hunt===
===Búsqueda temática de tesoros===
A themed scavenger hunt is one option. Have your Pathfinders choose a theme, and then come up with as many items as they think can be found at your campsite and which relate in some way to the theme. Have them make a list of these items ahead of time, and hand the lists out when the activity begins. You may tell them that all the items relate to a theme, but do not tell them what the theme is. Give them 40 minutes to find all the items, and tell them to meet again at the end of that time period. When they return, ask them if they have guessed the theme. If they do not guess correctly, tell them what the theme is. Then have each Pathfinder working on the honor take turns calling for the items.  When someone produces it, the Pathfinder will explain how that item relates to the theme. Be sure to draw a spiritual lesson from the activity. Close with a prayer.
Una búsqueda temática de tesoros es una opción. Haga que sus Conquistadores elijan un tema y después piensen en cosas que creen que se pueden encontrar en su campamento, y que se relacionan de alguna manera con el tema. Pídales que hagan una lista de estos elementos con anticipación y que entreguen las listas cuando comience la actividad. Puede decirles que todos los artículos se relacionan con un tema, pero no les diga cuál es el tema. Deles 40 minutos para encontrar todos los artículos y dígales que se reúnan otra vez al final de ese período de tiempo. Cuando regresen, pregúnteles si han adivinado el tema. Si no adivinan correctamente, dígales cuál es el tema. Luego, haga que cada Conquistador que está desarrollando la especialidad se turne nombrando los artículos. Cuando alguien lo produzca, el Conquistador explicará cómo ese artículo se relaciona con el tema. Asegúrese de sacar una lección espiritual de la actividad. Cierre con una oración.
===Drawing or Photographing Nature===
===Dibujar o fotografiar la naturaleza===
Many of the honors in the [[Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature|Nature]] category have the requirement to collect, photograph, or draw a number of creatures (plant or animal) found in nature, such as flowers, ferns, insects, etc. The Pathfinders presenting this activity should bring a field guide so that the chosen creatures can be identified. They may also bring samples of these items with them in case you are unable to find them around your campsite.   
Muchas de las especialidades de la categoría [[Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Nature/es|Naturaleza]] tienen el requisito de recolectar, fotografiar o dibujar un número de criaturas (vegetales o animales) que se encuentran en la naturaleza, como flores, helechos, insectos , etc. Los Conquistadores que presentan esta actividad deben traer una guía de campo para que las criaturas que escogen puedan ser identificadas. También pueden traer muestras de estos artículos si en caso no puedan encontrarlos alrededor de su campamento.   
If you choose to have your Pathfinders sketch these items, be sure to bring enough notebooks and pencils (some honors require colored drawings - if so, bring colored pencils) for everyone.  If you choose to have them take photos, you will probably want each Pathfinder to bring a camera (disposable cameras are ideal for this).
If you choose to have your Pathfinders sketch these items, be sure to bring enough notebooks and pencils (some honors require colored drawings - if so, bring colored pencils) for everyone.  If you choose to have them take photos, you will probably want each Pathfinder to bring a camera (disposable cameras are ideal for this).

Revision as of 17:11, 17 January 2021

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Campamento IV
Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1986

IA logo.png
Conexión Logros para la Investidura: Esta especialidad está relacionada con los requisitos de Logros para la Investidura para ORIENTADOR Vida al Aire Libre que requiere el desarrollo completo de esta especialidad.


Estar por lo menos en el octavo grado.

Arte de Acampar IV ha sido diseñado para que esté dentro de las capacidades de los Conquistadores que están en el grado 8 o más alto.


Planificar y ejecutar una actividad de sábado de una hora de duración en el campamento, diferente del culto de adoración para hacer del sábado una experiencia significativa.

Hay muchas maneras de cumplir este requisito.

Búsqueda temática de tesoros

Una búsqueda temática de tesoros es una opción. Haga que sus Conquistadores elijan un tema y después piensen en cosas que creen que se pueden encontrar en su campamento, y que se relacionan de alguna manera con el tema. Pídales que hagan una lista de estos elementos con anticipación y que entreguen las listas cuando comience la actividad. Puede decirles que todos los artículos se relacionan con un tema, pero no les diga cuál es el tema. Deles 40 minutos para encontrar todos los artículos y dígales que se reúnan otra vez al final de ese período de tiempo. Cuando regresen, pregúnteles si han adivinado el tema. Si no adivinan correctamente, dígales cuál es el tema. Luego, haga que cada Conquistador que está desarrollando la especialidad se turne nombrando los artículos. Cuando alguien lo produzca, el Conquistador explicará cómo ese artículo se relaciona con el tema. Asegúrese de sacar una lección espiritual de la actividad. Cierre con una oración.

Dibujar o fotografiar la naturaleza

Muchas de las especialidades de la categoría Naturaleza tienen el requisito de recolectar, fotografiar o dibujar un número de criaturas (vegetales o animales) que se encuentran en la naturaleza, como flores, helechos, insectos , etc. Los Conquistadores que presentan esta actividad deben traer una guía de campo para que las criaturas que escogen puedan ser identificadas. También pueden traer muestras de estos artículos si en caso no puedan encontrarlos alrededor de su campamento.

If you choose to have your Pathfinders sketch these items, be sure to bring enough notebooks and pencils (some honors require colored drawings - if so, bring colored pencils) for everyone. If you choose to have them take photos, you will probably want each Pathfinder to bring a camera (disposable cameras are ideal for this).

Collecting specimens is no longer encouraged, as it ends the life of the creature. Furthermore, many species are now endangered, and collecting them is not only unethical, it is illegal as well.

You can also mix photography and sketching. You may wish to have the group set out looking for specimens, and photograph all they can find. Then return and sketch the remainder. If you have only one or two cameras, you may find that this works well for you.

Skit with Props

Choose several Bible stories and divide your Pathfinders into at least two groups of three to eight individuals. Assign each group a Bible story and tell them where it may be found in the Bible. Have each come up with a skit to be presented to the rest of the group. Provide each group with random props and make it a contest between each group to see who can use the most of them. The props should be really off-the-wall so that the kids have to really think in order to use the item. Things like these do not have an obvious application, and that will make them stretch their imaginations:

  • Ping pong paddle
  • White board eraser
  • Piece of fruit
  • Cotton balls
  • Measuring cup
  • Toilet paper tube
  • Ball of yarn
  • A shoe
  • Binder clip
  • Ruler
  • Compact Disc (blanks are cheap)
  • Water bottle

Don't limit the props to this list or feel compelled to use anything on it - it's just a suggestion to get you started. See what you can find around the house, church, or campsite and press it into service for this activity. If possible, make each group's prop kit identical. Let everyone know how much time they have to put their skits together. Fifteen minutes should be sufficient. The remainder of the hour will be used to present the skits.


Go on a nature hike. Go along a stream and skip stones. Look for animal tracks and make plaster casts of them (your Companion class will thank you later).

Bible Quest

For this activity you will need to come up with several hiding places around the vicinity of the camp site and clues to each hiding place written on index cards. The cards are hidden. Each clue will direct the finder to the next clue (in other words, don't hide a clue at the location it hints at). Each clue should incorporate a passage from the Bible. For instance, the clue might say "Psalm 23:5, first part" which reads "You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies." This clue would direct the seekers to a picnic table where the next card is hidden. Another might hint "Psalm 119:105" which reads "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The clue could point the seeker to either the lantern (i.e., lamp) or to a path. They will have to check both places. It would be a good idea to bring a Concordance on this camping trip.

If you have a large group it would be better to make two copies of the cards, and make the clues circular (meaning that the last hiding place points back to the first hiding place). The first set is hidden around the camp site, one card per hiding place. The second set it handed out to the campers, one card per person, or per team (the teams should not have more than three people on them). That way everyone will start (and end) at a different point. If everyone starts at the same point, the campers with the strongest personalities will end up doing all the work and everyone else will just follow them - that's not fun. When the campers find their original clue, they have completed the quest.

When everyone is finished, ask them which one they liked the best, which one was hardest, easiest, etc.


Escribir un informe de 200 palabras o dar una presentación oral por un período de dos minutos de duración sobre la preservación de la naturaleza, discutiendo el protocolo y la conservación.

Learning preservation, etiquette, and conservation is a requirement for Camping Skills I and II, so you can have the Pathfinders learning this honor review this material and present it to the younger ones. Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Etiquette


Planificar su menú para un período de 2 días de viaje de campamento y hacer una estimación del costo.

Planning the menu

Use the USDA's food pyramid to choose a balanced menu: Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Camping/Balanced menu

Estimating the cost

To estimate the cost of the food on your menu, you will first need to estimate the quantity. This can be done with a spreadsheet, or by pencil and paper. First consider how much food your average camper will eat from each meal. Then figure out how much you will need for everyone to be able to eat the average amount. Some will eat more, but some will eat less. For example, if you are serving grilled cheese sandwiches, you will need two slices of bread and one slice of cheese per sandwich. Younger Pathfinders will usually eat two of these, but teens will easily eat three. Picky eaters may eat none or only one. It's up to you to guess how may each person will eat. Then multiply it out to see how many slices of bread you will need. There are usually 20 slices of bread in a loaf. Before figuring out how many loaves of bread you will need, make sure you consider every meal that will use bread (think French toast, PB&J, etc.). When you know the total number of slices you will need, then figure out how many loaves you will need. If your calculations show that you need 82 slices of bread, don't round it down to 80, or someone may not get a sandwich. Always round it up to the next loaf, so 82 slices will require five loaves of bread.

Do the same with each ingredient in your menu. The more you do this, the better your estimates will be. The goal is to come home with very little left over, as this will tell you that everyone got enough to eat, but you didn't waste money on food that will spoil anyhow.


Participar en un campamento de dos fines de semana.


Iniciar un fuego en un día húmedo, sabiendo dónde obtener yesca y cómo mantener su fuego vivo.


Conocer la madera más adecuada para hacer un fuego caliente rápido.

Wood from conifers (pine, fir, spruce, etc.) contains a lot of highly flammable sap, so it burns both hot and quick. It is excellent for starting a fire. However, it does not leave a bed of coals, so it is unsuitable for cooking.


Conocer la madera que mejor se adapta para hacer carbón para cocinar.

Most hardwoods will leave a good bed of coals, but hickory, mesquite, and oak, are among the best.


Demostrar la manera de dividir la leña.


Demostrar el buen cuidado y almacenamiento de los alimentos del campamento y cómo construir diversos escondites para proteger los alimentos de los animales.


Preparar una cena en el campamento con sopa, verduras, una entrada y bebida, todos de los cuales deben ser platos cocidos.

Of course you can make any dish you like for any of these, but we'll list suggestions anyhow. You can combine chili, kidney beans, and spaghetti to make Cincinnati Chili. Each camper starts with a layer of spaghetti, then adds a layer of chili, then a layer of beans. Chopped onions and cheese can also be added. It is delicious.


Template:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recipe

Template:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recipe


Most any vegetable can be prepared by heating it in a pot. This can be done over a campfire with a camp crane or with a camp stove.

  • Kidney beans
  • Green beans
  • Corn on the cob (can be boiled or wrapped in foil and roasted in a campfire)
  • Peas


Possibilities include

  • Spaghetti
  • Veggie Burgers
  • Haystacks
  • Veggie dogs


The drink must be "cooked" too, so try one of these (or something else)

  • Hot chocolate
  • Apple Cider
  • Herb Tea


Hornear su comida en un horno reflector.


Purificar el agua por tres métodos diferentes.


Nota: El color de la tienda de campaña para Campamento IV es plateado.
