AY Honor Patriotism Requirements

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Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Patriotism AY Honor.png
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction

1. Discover the origin of the official name and languages of your country.

2. Mention who were the first inhabitants of your country and how their culture influenced the nation.

3. What is miscegenation? Describe the main ethnic groups that formed the population of the country and in which one your family comes from.

4. Know, sing, and explain the meaning of two official hymns of your country (like independence, flag, declaration of independence, etc.), besides the national hymn.

5. Explain the origin of the national flag and its meaning.

6. Know what the defense system is of your country and how military enlistment works.

7. Explain the form of government in your country and how representatives are elected.

8. Know the names of the last five presidents of your country.

9. Participate in a civic/patriotic event, where government officials or representatives of the country participate.

10. Know what an ambassador is and tell a story of the behavior of the ambassador in foreign countries.

11. Why can we be considered ambassadors for Christ?

12. Explain the phrase: "We are only passing in this world, our true homeland is beyond the river."

13. Cite three Bible passages that portray the heavenly homeland.