AY Honor Horse Husbandry Requirements

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Horse Husbandry

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Horse Husbandry AY Honor.png
Horse Husbandry
Outdoor Industries
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. What line of profit is derived by the use of specially-selected mares?

2. Why is it preferable to raise purebred colts rather than common grades?

3. Name at least five points that are desirable in selecting a horse.

4. What type of training will help colts to grow into gentle, dependable horses?

5. Describe the proper care and feeding of horses and give three different types of food for horses.

6. Know the following:

a. Halter

b. Bridle

c. Saddle

7. Know how to properly put a halter, bridle, and saddle on a horse.

8. Know how to properly care for the hoofs of a horse. Know the parts of the hoof.

9. Care for a colt or horse for at least one week.