AY Honor Computing V - Specialization Requirements

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Computing V - Specialization

Skill Level






Approval authority

South American Division

Computation V - Specialization AY Honor.png
Computing V - Specialization
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Have the Computing IV - Advanced honor.

2. Have the Computer Programming honor.

3. Submit a report of at least 1000 words of the development of the computer in the area of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, Internet and Intranet.

4. Define the following terms:

a. User

b. Programmer

c. Systems analyst

d. Project manager

e. Team leader

f. Help Desk

g. Hacker

h. Hyperlink

i. www

5. Know the difference between the following printers:

a. Matrix

b. Laser

c. Plotter

d. Inkjet

6. Create a web page of your Club or Pathfinder unit, and place it on the Internet.

7. Have a collection of at least 15 e-mails from other people connected to Pathfinders in any part of the world.

8. Teach the Computing II honor to a regular class.

9. Know how to explain the passing of information between the peripherals and the CPU, using the binary code "1" and "0": Mount a diagram.

10. What does upgrade mean?

11. Teach a novice to use a computer. This person has to at least know how to turn the computer on and off correctly and to use three commands in an operating system.

12. Mention four operating systems for computer networks.