AY Honor Cattle Husbandry Requirements

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Cattle Husbandry

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Cattle Husbandry AY Honor.png
Cattle Husbandry
Outdoor Industries
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Name at least 25 parts of a steer.

2. What are four characteristics of a good heifer?

3. What is castration, and what is its purpose?

4. Why is dehorning done, and what age is best for dehorning?

5. What is creep feeding?

6. When is a calf weaned?

7. What are the housing needs of cattle?

8. Why is it best to put feed and water at opposite ends of the pen from each other?

9. Identify live or from pictures three breeds of beef cattle and three breeds of dairy cattle.

10. What type of feed is required during the following:

a. First 90 days

b. From 90 to 180 days

c. From 180 days to selling

11. How can a heifer be trained to become a gentle cow?

12. Care for one or more calves for a period of six months.