AY Honors/Volcanoes/Requirements

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Skill Level:
Year Introduced:
Volcanoes AY Honor.png

1. What is volcanology and what do volcanologists do?

2. Describe the five types of volcanoes:

a. Composite

b. Cinder cone

c. Shield

d. Caldera

e. Fissure

3. Be able to label the parts of a volcano on a worksheet or in a drawing of your own.

a. Crater

b. Summit

c. Base

d. Conduit

e. Dike

f. Throat

g. Vent

h. Magma Reservoir

4. Describe the different types of lava. Draw a picture of each kind.

a. Pahoehoe Flows

b. Aa Flows

c. Block Lava

d. Pillow Lava

5. Define the following terms:

a. Pyroclastic materials

i. Bomb

ii. Block

iii. Cinder

iv. Pumice

b. Pyroclastic flow

c. Lahar

d. Magma

e. Plutons

f. Hot spot

6. Explain how a volcano erupts.

7. Define the four levels of volcano activity:

a. Active

b. Intermittent

c. Dormant

d. Extinct

8. What is the Ring of Fire and where is it found?

9. Describe how the Hawaiian islands were/are still being formed.

10. Research the eruption of Mount St. Helens or some other volcano of your choice.
Write a 1-page report on what you found.

11. Find a verse in the Bible that talks about volcanoes. (Hint: use a modern version.)

12. Make your own 3D model of a volcano