AY Honors/Creationism/Answer Key

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Year of Introduction:
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1. Define the scientific model and theory.

A scientific model seeks to represent empirical objects, phenomena, and physical processes in a logical and objective way. All models are in simulacra, that is, simplified reflections of reality, but, despite their inherent falsity, they are nevertheless extremely useful. Building and disputing models is fundamental to the scientific enterprise. Complete and true representation may be impossible (see non-representational theory), but scientific debate often concerns which is the better model for a given task, e.g., which is the more accurate climate model for seasonal forecasting. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method, and repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. As with most (if not all) forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and aim for predictive power and explanatory force.

2. List three principal differences between the creationist model and the evolutionist model.

Creationist model
Supernatural Designer, the world was made in 6 literal days, and the world is only a few thousand years old.
Evolutionist model
There is no intelligent Designer, the world and universe was made in a few billion years, and the world is a few billion years old.

3. Read and respond to the following:

a. 1 Timothy 6:20, 21. What relation can exist between this passage and the evolutionism?

20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, 21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. Grace be with you all.

After giving Timothy six chapters of instruction, Paul tells him to “keep” all the things that had been committed to his trust. The word “keep” in this verse means “to guard.” Paul is warning Timothy to guard the teaching that he had been given from being polluted by the false ideas of the world. Paul then describes the kinds of things that he wants Timothy to guard his mind from. Paul’s literal intention of this command was for Timothy to avoid arguments from men who claimed that they had intellectual oppositions to the gospel. Paul knew that many men would claim that their “wisdom” and “knowledge” kept them from believing the truth. But their so-called “knowledge” was not knowledge at all. It was “falsely so called.” But while Paul’s literal intention for this verse was broader, we can certainly apply Paul’s point to the more specific subject of modern-day science. For over 150 years now, ever since Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species was published in 1859 and evolution became the accepted theory for the origin of life, the mainstream scientific community has been in direct opposition to God’s Word and what it has to say about how the universe and life began. Christians often become fearful and timid when they hear that “science” seems to contradict the Bible. Some allow their faith to be shipwrecked. Others just try to make the Bible fit with each new prevailing scientific theory, but we need not be intimidated. We are not on shaky ground as believers. Those who claim to use science to refute the existence of God are the ones who are on shaky ground.

b. Genesis 1, 2. Can someone disagree with these texts and remain a member of the remnant? Justify the response.

4. Share at least five passages from Ellen White’s Writing in the book “Patriarchs and Prophets” that mention the “young” age of the earth.

5. Investigate the fundamental belief, “The Creation,” of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Demonstrate the base of this fundamental belief through the Bible, finding from memory at least five passages that talk about this idea.

6. Read chapters six through nine of Genesis. Afterwards, do one of the following activities:

a. Investigate and elaborate a detailed schedule about a theory accepted by scientific creationists about how the events occurred.

b. Make a list with at least five biblical mentions of the flood and give at least five historical and scientific evidences of a global flood.

7. Attend a meeting on creationism sponsored by the school, faculty, Club, church, district, or region.

a. Prior to your attendance, write some of the anticipated doubts that people may have about a scientific presentation from a Creationist viewpoint. If possible, present them to a speaker or participant so they can clarify responses from a biblical and/or scientific basis.

b. As you debrief the meeting, share at least fifteen objections that can be made by the evolutionists for a creationists viewpoint. Share some of the biblical and scientific ways that you can refute objections.

8. Investigate and demonstrate how to argue in favor of creationism, using three of the following questions:

a. From the biological point of view, what are the systems of irreducible complexity?

b. From the geological point of view, investigate and draw a geological column of creationism and compare it with the evolutionary model. Explain how the gaps in both models are completed with philosophical bases (not scientifically checked).

c. From the oceanography point of view, how can we know, through oceanic sedimentation, that the oceans are “young”?

d. From the astronomical point of view, how does the progressive distance of the moon, in relation with the gravitational center of the earth (take into account the “limit of Roche”) indicate a “young” earth and moon?

e. From the archaeological point of view, what are the transitional fossils? How does their absence argue in favor of creationism?

9. Based on what you have learned in this honor and from other sources, present a project titled “Why be a creationist?” through one of the following:

a. Electronic presentation

b. Written paper

c. Video

d. Storyboard / poster

10. With the instructor as the mediator, have a debate about how it is possible to have science and faith in harmony.

11. Visit one of the following and give your club director a report of the diversity and wonder of the things you saw of God's creation:

a. Zoo

Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Zoo Visit

b. Aquarium

See Zoo above.

c. National/State/Provincial Park

d. Nursery

e. Gardens

f. Equivalent location


Good talk on creationism and how evolution is "stupid" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Mcsi7ylbE