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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en){{Species id
| latin_name = Romalea guttata
| common_name = Eastern lubber grasshopper
| image = Romalea microptera.jpg
| range = Found in the southeastern and south central portion of the United States.
| description = The Eastern lubber grasshopper is the most distinctive grasshopper species within the southeastern United States, and is well known both for its size and its unique coloration.
 h Spanish (es){{Species id
| latin_name = Romalea guttata
| common_name = Saltamontes palurdo orientale
| image = Romalea microptera.jpg
| range = Se encuentra en la parte sureste y centro sur de los Estados Unidos.
| description = El saltamontes palurdo oriental es la especie de saltamontes más distintiva en el sureste de los Estados Unidos y es bien conocido por su tamaño y su coloración única.