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==2. Classification:==
==2. Classification:==
===a. Identify the 2 major groups of raptors. ===
===a. Identify the 2 major groups of raptors. ===
Raptors are divided into two broad groups, the diurnal raptors (those active in the day), such as hawks, eagles, kites, falcons and osprey, and the nocturnal raptors (those active at night), which comprise the typical owls and the barn owls.
===b. List the scientific names of the orders & families collectively referred to as "raptors" or "birds of prey."===
===b. List the scientific names of the orders & families collectively referred to as "raptors" or "birds of prey."===
===c. Identify distinct characteristics of raptors.===
===c. Identify distinct characteristics of raptors.===

Revision as of 03:44, 22 April 2015

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Warning icon.png This honor was introduced in 2015, but the patch for it is not yet available. Please do not request it from AdventSource until after Fall 2015.
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Approval authority:
Skill Level:
Year of Introduction:
Raptors AY Honor.png


1. What does the word “raptor” mean?

The word Raptor comes from the Latin word rapere, meaning to seize, or snatch away. The term is used in reference with the way many raptors kill their prey with their feet.

Raptors include hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, condors, harriers, kestrels, falcons, owls and the secretarybird. Raptors are often referred to as birds of prey, as they are frequently active hunters (aside from the vultures and condors, which are primarily carrion eaters). A common characteristic among raptors are their sharp, curved talons for catching and holding prey, their curved upper bill for tearing flesh, and often their keen eyesight, hearing and/or sense of smell, used for finding their food.

2. Classification:

a. Identify the 2 major groups of raptors.

Raptors are divided into two broad groups, the diurnal raptors (those active in the day), such as hawks, eagles, kites, falcons and osprey, and the nocturnal raptors (those active at night), which comprise the typical owls and the barn owls.

b. List the scientific names of the orders & families collectively referred to as "raptors" or "birds of prey."

c. Identify distinct characteristics of raptors.

d. an example of a raptor that illustrates each of the families represented under these two major groups (7 families).

3. From a diagram, identify or label the following parts of the raptor:
a. Eyes
b. Feet & Talons
c. Chest
d. Body
e. Beak
f. Ears
g. Wings
h. Feathers

4. Discover the following information about raptors. Use this information to compare and contrast raptors with another family of birds, such as ducks & geese (anatidae) or parrots (psittaciform).

a. the smallest diurnal and nocturnal raptor

b. the largest diurnal and nocturnal raptor

c. kinds of nests do raptors build

d. the average life span for large and small raptors

e. the most common food of raptors

f. How do raptors eat their food?

5. Do one of the following:

a. watch a live raptor demonstration

b. Read a book on raptors

c. Watch a film documentary on raptors

6. Do two of the following:

a. Create a puppet show about raptors

b. Dissect an Owl Pellet, preferably online, and write down what you find

c. Make a chart of raptor wing spans and shapes of wings

d. Make a file of at least 10 raptor craft ideas and complete 5 of the crafts.

e. Make a notebook, art display, media presentation or collage with pictures and information about raptors

f. Create a board game about raptors

g. Photograph at least 5 live raptors in the wild or captivity. Label your photographs.

7. Experience raptors in one of the following ways

a. Visit a zoo or aviary. Have a docent tell you about the raptors they care for.

b. Have a specialist visit the group and share what he/she does with raptors.

8. Observe raptors in the wild nesting or migrating. If possible, work with an area nature center, park, or Wildlife Management Areas.

9. Find two Bible passages about raptors and summarize a moral lesson from each one.
