Page values for "AY Honors/Amphibians/Requirements"

From Pathfinder Wiki
AY Honors/Amphibians/Requirements

"UsageOfLocalizations__NEXT" values

19 rows are stored for this page
uniqueID   128576/Amphibians/en
id   Amphibians
locPage   Honors
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Nature/en
id   Nature
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Skill Level/en
id   Skill Level
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/1/en
id   1
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/1945/en
id   1945
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Year/en
id   Year
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Approval authority/en
id   Approval authority
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/General Conference/en
id   General Conference
locPage   Authorities
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Naturalist Master Award/en
id   Naturalist Master Award
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Zoology Master Award/en
id   Zoology Master Award
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Amphibians - Advanced/en
id   Amphibians - Advanced
locPage   Honors
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Friend/en
id   Friend
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Year of Introduction/en
id   Year of Introduction
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/More/en
id   More
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Less/en
id   Less
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/See also/en
id   See also
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Downloads/en
id   Downloads
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Requirements/en
id   Requirements
locPage   All
lang   en
uniqueID   128576/Answer Key/en
id   Answer Key
locPage   All
lang   en

"Honors_Requirements" values

13 rows are stored for this page
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |1 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   1
isChallenging   Yes

What are the characteristics of amphibians?

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |2 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   2
isChallenging   Yes

Name the two main orders of amphibia and tell how to distinguish between them.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |3 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   3
isChallenging   Yes

Distinguish between toads and frogs.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |4 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   4
isChallenging   Yes

How do amphibians protect themselves?

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |5 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   5
isChallenging   Yes

Make a list of amphibians that should be found in your locality. Identify five and tell where you found them. OR Collect pictures or sketch five different amphibians which you can identify and tell where they are found.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |6 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   6
isChallenging   Yes

Describe the life history of some amphibian.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |7 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   7
isChallenging   Yes

Explain the economic value of amphibians.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |8 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   8
isChallenging   Yes

Where do toads spend the winter or dry season?

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |9 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   9
isChallenging   Yes

Identify two species of frogs by their sound or imitate the sounds of two different species of frogs.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |10 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   10
isChallenging   Yes

How do frogs and toads sing? What makes the noise so loud?

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |11 | | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   11
isChallenging   Yes

Do one of the following:

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |11 |1 | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   11
level2_ID   1
isChallenging   Yes

Observe a toad in your yard or neighborhood to find out.
(1) Where and when it sleeps,
(2) When it leaves its home for food,
(3) How fast it can travel,
(4) How far it can jump, and as many other interesting things as you can find out about it, and write an essay covering the details requested in the first section of this question.

language   en
reqTypes   text
reqID   150322 |128576 |0 | | |11 |2 | | | | |en
landingID   150,322
reqPageID   128,576
reqVariantNo   0
level1_ID   11
level2_ID   2
isChallenging   Yes

Hatch some amphibian eggs and watch them through their growth cycle and write an essay covering the details.

language   en
reqTypes   text