AY Honor Meteorites

From Pathfinder Wiki
< AY HonorsAY Honors/Meteorites
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Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Meteorites AY Honor.png

Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also


The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

9. Do two of the following:

a. Visit a local museum and identify meteorites that have been gathered form different locations around the world.

b. Have a local rockhound/meteorite collector visit your group and present meteorites he/she has collected.

c. Create a display of 10 photos and information about meteorites including significant information learned in this honor.

d. Create a table game that assists others in learning about meteorites. You may model the game after popular card or board games.

9. Do two of the following:

a. Visit a local museum and identify meteorites that have been gathered form different locations around the world.

b. Have a local rock hound/meteorite collector visit your group and present meteorites he/she has collected.

c. Create a display of 10 photos and information about meteorites including significant information learned in this honor.

d. Create a table game that assists others in learning about meteorites. You may model the game after popular card or board games.