Especialidades JA/Arte de lavado/Respuestas

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Arte de lavado

Autoridad de aprobación:
Nivel de destreza:
Año de introducción:
Laundering AY Honor.png



¿Por qué es importante leer las etiquetas en las prendas antes de lavarlas?

Las etiquetas a menudo incluyen instrucciones de lavado recomendadas por el fabricante, así como las clases de materiales de que la prenda está hecha. Instrucciones usualmente incluyen:

  • La temperatura de lavado
  • La temperatura de enjuague
  • La temperatura de planchado y algunas veces el método de planchar (como por ejemplo «en el reverso» o «a través de un paño»)
  • Si el artículo se debe limpiar en seco
  • El método de secar (secadora, seca por goteo, poner plano, etc.)


¿Cuál es la forma correcta de preparar la ropa para lavarla?

Remove all items from all pockets, zip up any zippers, fasten snaps and cover Velcro. Also tie any strings back so they won't get tangled in the agitator or with other garments. Remove any pins, your name tag, and the "scribe" or "captain" tag from your Pathfinder uniform before washing it. Brush off any caked-on dirt. Turn permanent press and garments with silk screened patterns (such as your field uniform) inside-out. This will help the permanent press items from gathering lint, and it will protect the silk screening from wear.

Place small items (such as a toddler's socks) and hosiery in a mesh bag before putting them in the washing machine. This will prevent small items from being flushed out with the rinse water, and it will help prevent runs in hosiery.

Separate your laundry into like items:

  • Whites from colors
  • Color-fast from colors that may run
  • Durables from delicates
  • Very dirty from lightly soiled
  • Lint givers (towels, sheets, flannels) from lint takers (corduroy, permanent press)

Wash these types separately, because each of the types of loads listed above need different settings on the washing machine. Finally, pretreat any stains with a stain remover.


¿Qué tipo de ropa se debe lavar en agua caliente, tibia y fría?

Permanent Press Permanent Press Bright Colors
Whites Whites Dark Colors
Very dirty clothing Delicates Delicates/Knits


¿Qué precauciones deben tenerse cuando se usa cloro? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de blanqueador en polvo oxigenado? ¿Por qué nunca debería cloro y amoniaco mezclarse?

Precautions: Bleach is a powerful chemical. It can burn your skin, and it can dissolve cloth. Do not get it on your skin; if you get it on your skin, wash it off right away. If you spill it on your clothing, rinse immediately. If too much bleach is used on cloth, the cloth will disintegrate. Bleach will remove dye, so it must not be used on anything other than white cloth.

Powdered Oxygen Bleach: The greatest advantage offered by powdered oxygen bleach is that it removes stains without the use of toxic chemicals. For some stains, it works even better than chlorine bleach. It brightens fabrics and can be used on upholstery and carpet. It is non-toxic to humans and animals, and it breaks down into environmentally friendly components when the oxygen is released (the release of oxygen is what removes stains).

Mixing Bleach and Ammonia: Bleach and ammonia should NEVER be mixed because doing so causes a chemical reaction that releases poisonous gases. The primary gas released is chlorine gas which was used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I. Chlorine gas is highly toxic. Other gases that can be released include nitrogen trichloride (which can explode in your face), and hydrazine (a component of rocket fuel).


¿Qué precauciones deben tomarse cuando se utilizan suavizantes líquidos?

Liquid fabric softeners leave an invisible residue on the garments which prevents static cling, softens the fabric, and imparts a light fragrance. It should only be used in the rinse cycle when no soap is present in the water, because it will react with soap and leaving a sticky, visible residue which resembles lint. If your washing machine has a fabric softener dispenser use it and the fabric softener will be added at the right time in the cycle. Otherwise, you must add it yourself at the beginning of the rinse cycle. Be careful to not pour it directly on clothing, but rather into the water.


¿Qué puntos se han de tener en cuenta al elegir una lavadora, una secadora y una plancha? ¿Cómo se deberían cuidar estos artículos?

The primary concern when selecting a washing machine or a dryer is financial. Remember that the initial cost of the appliance is only a part of its operating cost though. Buying an energy efficient appliance - even if it is more expensive - can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Another factor to consider is the amount of laundry you intend to do with the appliances. If you are going to do laundry for a family of six, you will need a larger machine than if you are going to do laundry for a family of two.

When selecting an iron, look for features that enhance safety. Many irons today will shut themselves off automatically if left idling for too long.

Wipe down your appliances regularly, and use appliance touch-up paint to repair any chips in the finish. An untreated chip will lead to rust which can destroy your appliance. Also be sure to clean out the lint trap of your dryer between every load, and clean the exhaust duct regularly. Lint build-up in the exhaust duct is a fire hazard.

Do not iron over silkscreen designs, as this will melt the paint on the garment and stick to the iron. This residue is extremely difficult to remove from an iron, and if left there, will transfer to any other garments you use it on.


¿Cómo deben ser lavadas las prendas de vestir hechas de lana o algún material semejante?

Soak the garment in cold water for about 15 minutes. You can use shampoo instead of detergent, or you can use detergent specially formulated for wool. You can then change the water and soak the garment in clean water for another 15 minutes, or you can put it in a washing machine. If you decide to put it in a washing machine, make sure to select a setting that will not agitate the load. Also, be sure to use cold water.

Do not wring the wool out, and do not hang it up to dry. You can roll it in a dry towel, or just lay it flat to dry, but be careful not to stretch the fabric while it is wet, or it may become misshapen.


Saber cómo eliminar las siguientes manchas: tinta, fruta, el ódixo, hierba, el jugo de uva, grasa, sangre, goma de mascar, crayones. ¿Por qué deben ser eliminadas las manchas antes del lavado?

  • Ink: Place a paper towel under the stain and then spray the stain with hairspray. Hairspray breaks up many type of ink, and you will want the paper towel there to catch the ink and not allow it to stain another part of the garment. Hairspray may discolor the fabric though, so test in an inconspicuous place first.
  • Fruit: Try to remove the stain before it dries by rinsing it in cold water. Otherwise, soak white garments in a chlorinated bleach solution. For colored garments, treat with sodium percarbonate or a warm borax solution.
  • Rust: Sprinkle the stain with salt and rub it in. Then wet it with lemon juice and place it in the sun. Keep the stain moistened with lemon juice until the stain disappears.
  • Grass: If the garment is white, you may soak it in a solution of chlorinated bleach, then rinse and launder. Otherwise, apply methylate alcohol (wood alcohol) to the stain, rinse in warm water, and then wash.
  • Fruit (grape): Blot the stain first to remove any juice that's still there. Then lightly dab the stain with cold water.
  • Grease: Scrape away as much of the grease as you can. Rub petroleum jelly into the stain, and then wash with a laundry powder or liquid detergent. You can also try a spot removing product.
  • Blood: If the blood is fresh, wipe it up with a sponge soaked in cool, salted water. Then rinse with clear water. If the blood is dried, use diluted hydrogen peroxide (one part peroxide, nine parts water).
  • Chewing gum: Scrape off as much as possible first. This is easier if you cool the gum down with ice cubes first, as that makes the gum brittle rather than gummy. If the item is washable, apply a little kerosene or dry cleaning fluid and rinse it off. You may have to repeat this several times.
  • Crayons: Place the stained item in the freezer and leave it there until the crayon freezes. You can then literally break the crayon stain out of the garment. If there is any residue left after this, place the item on a paper towel or a blotter. Then place a second paper towel (or blotter) on top of the item. Apply a warm iron. This will melt the crayon, and the paper towels should soak up the stain. Change the paper towels as often as is necessary.
Why stains must be removed
Putting a stained garment in a dryer will set the stain, making it even more difficult to remove. Always remove stains before laundering.


¿Por qué es importante sacar las prendas de vestir de la secadora de inmediato cuando el ciclo ha finalizado?

When a garment is still hot from the dryer, hanging it immediately will prevent it from getting wrinkled. If you forget to remove the garments from the dryer and wrinkles set, try throwing a damp washcloth into the dryer with the clothing and run the dryer for a few minutes. This may reduce the wrinkling.


Saber qué tipo de materiales deben secarse sólo en el nivel más bajo de la secadora.

Some items should not be dried in a dryer at all. Particularly, any item containing foam rubber should not be placed in a dryer except on a no-heat setting, as it can easily burst into flame.

Wool should be dried with a towel or just air dried. See Requirement 7

Knits and delicates (such as silk and nylon) should only be dried on the lowest heat settings.


Mostrar una blusa o camisa que usted ha planchado apropiadamente.

The most obvious garment to show is your class A uniform. This requirement can be met before a club inspection or on a campout (assuming the uniform has been washed by the Pathfinder ahead of time).


Lavar y doblar adecuadamente la ropa de toda su familia durante una semana.

The regular launderer in your family will thank you for this. Make sure you tell that person "You're welcome!"
