Guía Mayor/Desarrollo espiritual

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Guía Mayor

|0% developedPrerrequisitos |0% developedDesarrollo espiritual |0% developedDesarrollo de destrezas |0% developedDesarrollo del niño |0% developedDesarrollo de liderazgo |0% developedDesarrollo de estilo de vida saludable |0% developedDocumentación

1. Leer o escuchar el libro El Camino a Cristo o El Camino a Cristo, edición juvenil. Escribir y presentar una página centrándose en los beneficios de la lectura.

2. Completar la Serie #1, «Cristo el Camino», de la guía devocional Encuentro, o completar otro plan del año bíblico que cubra los cuatro Evangelios y leer el Deseado de todas las gentes o Humble Hero [El héroe humilde].

3. Realizar uno de los siguientes:

a. Mantener un diario devocional por al menos 4 semanas, resumiendo lo que haya aprendido en su tiempo devocional y detallar cómo está creciendo en su fe.

b. Completar el plan de estudios «Steps to Discipleship Personal Spirituality» [Espiritualidad personal pasos al discipulado] (sólo disponible en inglés).

4. Desarrollar la Certificación de Evangelismo del Conquistador.

5. Preparar un resumen de 2 párrafos por cada una de las 28 Creencias Fundamentales.

6. Develop and present four of the following beliefs. Use of creative media is encouraged.

a. Creation

b. The Experience of Salvation

c. Growing in Christ

d. The Remnant and Its Mission

e. Baptism

f. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries

g . The Gift of Prophecy

h. The Sabbath

i. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary

j. The Second Coming of Christ

k. Death and Resurrection

7. Enhance knowledge of Church Heritage by completing the following:

a. Earn the Adventist Heritage Honor.

b. Read a book about SDA youth ministry such as:

i. The Pathfinder Story by Robert Holbrook.

ii. We are the Pathfinders Strong: The First Fifty Years by Willie Oliver with Patricia Humphrey

iii. Another book that is approved by your conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative.

8. Read a book about church heritage such as:

a. Anticipating the Advent by George Knight.

b. Tell It to the World by Mervyn Maxwell

c. Light Bearers to the Remnant by Rich-ard W Schwarz and Floyd Greenleaf

d. The Church Heritage Manual produced by the General Conference Youth Department.

e. Another book that is approved by your conference Youth, Pathfinder or Adventurer Director, or their designated Master Guide representative:

9. Attend a Seminar, or complete a 2 page (minimum) research paper about a standard temperament analysis program and complete the affiliated temperament inventory.