Especialidades JA/Santuario/Respuestas 2

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Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

Sanctuary AY Honor.png
Crecimiento espiritual, actividades misioneras y herencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción
Vea también

Template:Division variant

Suggested tool for this honor: A simple composition book, spiral notebook, or equivalent "journal" will be a huge asset to earning this honor. Be sure each entry is clearly titled so that they can go back and reference each entry later in the experience. The same journal could be used if they go on to earn the advanced honor.

Courtyard, holy place, most holy place

Alter of Sacrifice, Laver
Holy Place
Candlestick (gold), Altar of Incense (wood overlaid with gold), Table of Shewbread (Wood overlaid with gold)
Most Holy Place
Ark of the Covenant (acacia wood overlaid with gold)It contained a golden bowl of manna, the tablets of stone engraved with the 10 Commandments, and Aaron's rod, which had budded.

Note: This scale may be used to develop your 3D model in later requirements.

NOTE: Pathfinders write down on sticky notes, journal page, or shout out what they SEE when they first look at the image, what they THINK about when they see the image, and what the WONDER about God’s purpose or role for this furnishing. If they write down their observations, then share them with a partner, most will have the chance to meaningfully participate rather than simply having the "smart religious kids" do all the interacting.

Butcher paper posted on the walls, each with one of the parts of the sanctuary or furnishing. The Pathfinders spend 10-15 minutes writing what they know about as many items in the above list as possible. When done, the collective knowledge can be discussed, and the teacher can fill in any "gaps" in understanding.
