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The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

1. Be a Master Guide.

[[AY Honors/Junior Youth Leadership/Requirements|Tab Name/Printable Version]]

1. Be a Master Guide.

2. Read two books on junior youth leadership written in the last five years.

3. Serve in any one of the following offices:

a. Junior Youth Group leader for one year.

b. Junior or Earliteen Sabbath School leader for one year.

c. Staff member in an active Pathfinder club for one year.

d. Staff member at a summer youth camp for a full summer.

4. Prepare a group to be invested in one of the Adventist Youth/Pathfinder classes during the current year and assist in conducting the Investiture service.

5. Know at least ten qualities of a good youth leader.

6. Know the difference between juniors (10-12 years old) and teens (13-15 years old) in the following areas:

a. Physical

b. Emotional

c. Mental

d. Spiritual

7. Know principles in the proper administration of discipline to youth. Learn the fol­lowing areas of discipline:

a. Ten ways to prevent having to discipline

b. Nine ways to have balanced discipline

c. Five types of discipline

d. Five discipline procedures

Printable Answer Key Tab Name/Edit Answer Key


Be a Master Guide.

You can download the requirements for becoming a Master Guide here: http://www.pathfindersonline.org/pdf/classwork/masterguide_recordcard.pdf

You should also contact your conference youth department to let them know that you are working on this. They may have resources to help you, and they commonly conduct the seminars required by the curriculum.

You may find additional resources at AdventSource. http://adventsource.org/search_2.aspx?search_type=all&search=master+guide&Image1.x=0&Image1.y=0


Read two books on junior youth leadership written in the last five years.

Of course you are free to choose any book on youth leadership you like, but here are some suggestions:

Do you know of another good book? Add it!

Note: since this answer key was written these books have all become more than 5 years old and no longer qualify for the honor. Check with you Adventist Book Center or a good Christian book store for recently published books that would meet this requirement.

When the NAD Honors Task Force met in 2013, they noted that this requirement is currently very difficult to meet, because the Adventist publishing houses are not producing books at a sufficient rate. The honor will likely be amended in the future to expand (or eliminate) the five year requirement. If you have difficulty finding books that meet the five year specification, we recommend that you read the newest books you can get your hands on.


Serve in any one of the following offices:


Junior Youth Group leader for one year.

Junior Youth Group is an ancient predecessor of the JMV Society that became the AYS, AJYS, and the Pathfinder Clubs of today.

Based on an older version of this Honor and newer trends it would be reasonable to say that Junior Youth Group is any officially organized local church youth group not otherwise defined in b - d.

This is a level 3 Honor so it is an adult Honor (age 17+) The 1980 version of this requirement was:

  • a. AJYS Superintendent or Associate Superintendent
  • b. Junior or Primary SS Superintendent
  • c. Unit Counselor in a local AJYS
  • d. an officer in an Active Pathfinder Club

Leading an Adventurer Club should qualify, so if there is no Adventurer Club in your church (or another one nearby) consider starting one.


Junior or Earliteen Sabbath School leader for one year.

In most Adventist churches, this office is filled by the Ministry Development Committee (formerly called the Nominating Committee), and voted on by the church. However, if you are interested in fulfilling this requirement this way, make your willingness to serve known to your church leaders. Remember that if your church already has established leaders for these departments, they may not be willing to step aside. In this case, it may be better for you to explore other options. Remember that preserving good relations with other people is far more important than earning this honor.


Staff member in an active Pathfinder club for one year.

Talk to your club's director about volunteering. Rare is the club that has too many staff!


Staff member at a summer youth camp for a full summer.

This option is especially good for college and university students as most of the summer camp jobs are filled by such students. Contact your conference youth director or apply at a summer youth camp. You might also consider applying at camps in other conferences if you want to broaden your experience and try living in a different region for the summer.


Prepare a group to be invested in one of the Adventist Youth/Pathfinder classes during the current year and assist in conducting the Investiture service.

In order to meet this requirement, you must be a staff member of a Pathfinder organization. Volunteer to serve as a counselor for one of the AY classes (Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager, or Guide). There are many factors that contribute to your effectiveness as an AY counselor. Above all, you should love the Lord and show that by unconditionally loving the Pathfinders in your care. This means that you will be prepared for each meeting and that you will arrive on time. It helps tremendously to make out a plan for the whole year before you start. This will ensure that you do not have to teach several major requirements in the last few weeks before Investiture. Spread those out and work on them throughout the year.


Know at least ten qualities of a good youth leader.

A good youth leader will be:

  1. Patient
  2. Loving
  3. Well-prepared
  4. Flexible
  5. Punctual
  6. Responsible
  7. Mature
  8. Organized
  9. Merciful
  10. Fair
  11. Decisive
  12. Enthusiastic
  13. Passionate
  14. Compassionate
  15. Committed
  16. Persuasive
  17. Courageous
  18. Selfless


Know the difference between juniors (10-12 years old) and teens (13-15 years old) in the following areas:

For this discussion we will refer to 10 to twelve year-old Pathfinders as "juniors" and 13-16 year-old Pathfinders as "teens." More information on this topic can be found in the Pathfinder Staff Manual (see chapter 2).



Juniors are generally a very healthy group of kids, and they are very active. They need to move, so a good Pathfinder program will have "moving" times built in to it (Marching and Drilling, games, etc.) to harness that energy productively.

Teens are very concerned about their appearance. They will often engage in innocuous physical contact with a certain girl or boy of whom they harbor romantic thoughts. This may include "slugging" them on the shoulder or lightly pushing them.

The teenage years are a time of rapid growth. The mind may still say that their shoe size is 7 when 11 is more like it. This can cause clumsiness and lead to embarrassment.



Juniors remember almost everything you say. If you say "next week we are going to go on a nature hike," you had better go on a nature hike next week. If you do not, they will remind you of what you said. Be very careful of the things you promise to them, and never make a threat you are not willing to execute. If you get in a situation where consequences are called for, it is better to say "there will be consequences for that" and decide what those consequences are later rather than making a spur-of-the-moment threat that you will regret later.

Furthermore, juniors will remember what the consequences for a given infraction were for Johnny, the consequences for the same infraction had better be about the same for Billy. They recognize and remember unfairness.

Teens will continue to love and follow the adults in their lives that they loved and followed as juniors. If you become their "hero" when they are 12, they will still respect you when they are 16.

The teen years are an emotional roller coaster. Their bodies are coursing with hormones that make them very moody. One can easily be on the top of the moon at the beginning of an activity and an emotional mess before it's over. Girls tend to cry and get it all out (especially with trusted girlfriends), while boys tend to internalize negative emotions that can erupt at the slightest provocation.

Teens will sometimes challenge your authority. This will sometimes come in the form of the Pathfinder uniform. If a teen shows up for Induction with pink shoes instead of the regulation black, call them on it. If you do not, they may very well show up in baggy pants at the next Class A uniform event. You do not need to make a big scene - just let them know that you did notice and that their choice is not in line with your expectations.



Junior Pathfinders love to collect things - it could be anything from the traditional stamps and coins to the more bizarre. Many AY honors involve making collections (Insects, Shells, Rocks and Minerals, etc.) so use this to your advantage.

Juniors are eager to learn and can memorize things quickly. They like to read.

Juniors are into "secret codes" and handshakes. They like adventure, and they love stories. Be careful when telling them the exploits of your own youth. If you ever tell them about the wrong things you did as a child, make sure you tell them what the consequences were as well. Also remember that they may try to reproduce your youthful adventures.

It is important that when you teach hands-on activities to this age group that it is their hands that are on, and not yours. If you jump in and do their activities for them, they will quickly lose interest. Instruct them how to do something, but then put your hands behind your back. Let them do it!

Logic plays a large role in a teen's thinking, as it is at this age that they become critical thinkers. They will compare what you say to what you do and note any inconsistencies.

If teens were cars, they would have excellent acceleration and lousy brakes. They may think of an idea and dive in before thinking of the consequences. If they do consider the consequences before it is too late, they may still have difficulty putting on the brakes. If they know that a well-loved adult leader (hopefully this is you) will be disappointed in their actions, that is sometimes enough to kick in the brakes. If they respect you, they do want your approval.



Juniors are very interested in what goes on in church. They are eager to help take up the offering in church. Most baptisms in the Adventist church take place among this age group.

Do not discuss negatives in front of this age group. If there are problems in your club that require discussion with other staff, save them for staff meetings. Juniors will pick up on bad vibes, and if you complain about another staff member in front of them, you will undermine that staff's authority with them.

Juniors will take your word as authoritative on spiritual matters. Teens will challenge you, citing objections or inconsistencies.

Teens will wrestle with their consciences, but remember - their braking system is not yet fully developed. They do succumb to peer pressure, but they also repent. Be ready to forgive them, and remember that if they already realize they have made a mistake, a lecture may be unnecessary. Sometimes they just need a friend.


Know principles in the proper administration of discipline to youth. Learn the fol­lowing areas of discipline:


Ten ways to prevent having to discipline

  1. Have a plan for every minute of your Pathfinder time.
  2. Make thorough preparations for every meeting
  3. Establish standards of conduct and communicate them to your club
  4. Make friends with your Pathfinders
  5. Allow your Pathfinders to participate in decision making
  6. Keep a sense of humor
  7. Do not use sarcasm or ridicule
  8. Acknowledge faults when they come to your attention, but avoid looking for them
  9. Be fair. Avoid unequal treatment or having "pets".
  10. Maintain self-control and practice patience


Nine ways to have balanced discipline

  1. Establish fair rules and regulations
  2. Set up and use a point system.
  3. Put your rules and regulations in writing
  4. Enforce the rules and regulations.
  5. Apply the rules consistently.
  6. Make only a few carefully considered rules.
  7. Present a devotional on discipline, explaining the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. Remind your Pathfinders that they have agreed to abide by the Pledge and Law.
  8. Counsel and pray with your Pathfinders before administering disciplinary action.
  9. Counsel and pray with unsupportive parents.
  10. Explain club discipline to parents. They are more likely to support you if they understand what you are doing.


Five types of discipline

  1. Subtract points using the point system
  2. Suspend privileges at meetings
  3. Remove rank or office (captains, scribes, guidons, color guard)
  4. Reduce privileges at campouts
  5. Dismiss from club for a period of time


Five discipline procedures

If the Pathfinder is uncooperative or disobedient
    • The counselor should calmly talk to the Pathfinder
    • Explain that members of the Pathfinder club are expected to uphold standards of behavior
    • Privately counsel and pray with the Pathfinder (this should be done out of earshot, but within sight of others).
If the Pathfinder continues to be uncooperative or disobedient
    • Bring in a second staff member to talk with the Pathfinder. This should be the deputy director.
    • Explain that the Pathfinder is in violation of the Pathfinder Law (be courteous and obedient).
    • Pray with the Pathfinder
If a third session is required
    • The counselor, deputy director, and director should meet with the Pathfinder.
    • This should be done privately.
    • Explain the importance of unity and cooperation
    • Be sure the Pathfinder knows how serious the situation is
    • Pray with the Pathfinder
    • Arrange to meet with the parents and the Pathfinder
If misbehavior continues
    • The counselor, deputy director, and director meet privately with one another.
    • The parents are informed that the Pathfinder must sit out of all Pathfinder activities for one month.
    • A staff member visits the Pathfinder at home during the suspension period.
If misbehavior continues after the Pathfinder comes back
    • Repeat the first three steps outlined above.
    • If stage four is reached a second time, the Pathfinder is suspended from the club for a longer period of time - perhaps for the remainder of the year.


Pathfinder Staff Manual, chapter 4

Content on this wiki is generated by people like you, and no one has created a lesson plan for this honor yet. You could do that and make the world a better place.

See AY Honors/Model Lesson Plan if you need ideas for creating one.