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< AY Honors‎ | Cold Weather SurvivalAY Honors/Cold Weather Survival/Answer Key/es
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General principle here is how the material interacts with water, either perspiration or external water. The key is to stay '''dry.'''
Materials like wool, polypropylene and nylons do not absorb (hold) water/moisture. Moisture in fabric quickly wicks away heat from the body. This is why these materials are preferred for winter use. Cotton is '''not''' recommended for cold weather wear since it will absorb and hold moisture, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the material to keep a person warm. In extremely cold weather, fabric that gets wet (from sweat or otherwise) can actually freeze and stiffen making it both very cold and very inconvenient.
While down is a wonderful natural material, it can absorb moisture too (though some very new treatments minimize this). Down gets its warmth from its loft, or fluffiness. If down is compressed, it has little to no insulating value. If down is moist (even from heavy perspiration), it can lose much of its insulating quality as well. Down is best saved for use when heavy exertion is not expected, or as a top layer in a very carefully planned, layered system. Down makes a very poor base layer.  
While down is a wonderful natural material, it can absorb moisture too (though some very new treatments minimize this). Down gets its warmth from its loft, or fluffiness. If down is compressed, it has little to no insulating value. If down is moist (even from heavy perspiration), it can lose much of its insulating quality as well. Down is best saved for use when heavy exertion is not expected, or as a top layer in a very carefully planned, layered system. Down makes a very poor base layer.  

Revision as of 18:04, 22 January 2021

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Supervivencia en clima frío
Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 1
Año de introducción: 2012


Conocer cuáles son los tres artículos de supervivencia más importantes que se pueden cargar en el bolsillo.

  • Fire Starter - such as waterproof matches, lighter, flint & magnesium
  • Knife or multi-tool
  • Survival whistle


Investigar y discutir lo siguiente sobre la vestimenta en el clima frío:


Las ventajas y desventajas de ropa de lana, polipropileno, algodón, nailon u otras combinaciones. ¿Cómo cada clase afecta el cuerpo cuando está mojado? ¿Qué otros/más nuevos materiales de vestimenta son recomendadas para la supervivencia en el clima frío? ¿Por qué?

While down is a wonderful natural material, it can absorb moisture too (though some very new treatments minimize this). Down gets its warmth from its loft, or fluffiness. If down is compressed, it has little to no insulating value. If down is moist (even from heavy perspiration), it can lose much of its insulating quality as well. Down is best saved for use when heavy exertion is not expected, or as a top layer in a very carefully planned, layered system. Down makes a very poor base layer.

Another factor to consider is how fast an article of clothing will dry once wet. Synthetics tend to dry much faster than cotton, even in the cold. Generally speaking, cotton is a poor choice for cold weather use where it cannot be dried easily.


Las ventajas de varias capas de ropa. ¿Qué material de ropa es mejor para el contacto directo de la piel? ¿En las capas exteriores? ¿En las capas intermedias? ¿Por qué?

Benefits of layering: the ability to modulate (change) the warmth of clothing easily. Example of NOT layering: tee shirt and heavy winter parka. If one is on a pack trip, or snowshoeing with a backpack, or digging a snow cave, the options are 1. Jacket on, or 2. Jacket off. While one could unzip the jacket, it's still either on or off. That may bee too hot in some situations, leading to sweating. Sweat = moisture on the skin = cold camper.

A good layered system may consist of a thin base layer: polypro tee shirt. If there is one layer that should NOT be cotton, this is the layer. Base layer needs to be a material that will not absorb moisture. Nylon, polypro, and even modern wool are good base layers. This does not have to be expensive outdoor-specific fabric; a simple athletic tee shirt will do. Mid layer: long sleeve polypro or nylon or wool shirt (ideally any layer above base layer has at least a zip T neck zipper; this is very useful in modulating temperature without removing the layer). Insulation layer: if the camper is not expecting exertion and perspiration, this may be something like a down sweater or coat (but not one with a heavy outer layer). Or, a layer of synthetic fleece. Top layer: this is either a wind-stopping membrane shell or waterproof shell. A top layer with a built in hood adds extra warmth and protection from the elements.

Ideally, the insulation layer is adjustable for warmth with a full-length zipper. If the insulation layer gets too warm, one can unzip it while still under the top layer. Or the top layer can be removed and the insulation layer worn by itself on top. Or, if conditions are a bit wet or windy but not cold, one can remove the insulation layer and wear the top layer on top of the mid layer. Outer jackets that feature adjustable cuffs, full-length zipper, and pit-zips (zippers that go under the arm pits) are very adjustable to allow ventilation and a great degree of fine tuning for comfort. The key is to have the ability to change the warmth and breathability of the clothing without only an On/Off option. In winter conditions, one may have to modify the layering/performance of clothing a dozen times in a day to keep the warmth/moisture balance correct.

Generally speaking, one can be much warmer with multiple thin layers with less bulk than a single heavy layer too. This, plus the ability to fine-tune warmth makes layering the best choice.

It's important to remember headgear. Some moderation of headgear is useful too. Some serious cold-weather enthusiasts carry several hats of varying thickness and swap them out (or layer them) as conditions merit. Consider a thin, wool or polypro base layer for cool weather or base layer, and top layer hat of some wind-stopping material with insulating properties. Some hats have ear flaps that can be tied down or flipped up to moderate temperature. The ability to modulate head temperature is probably the fastest and easiest way to modify overall temperature and comfort.

Feet and hands can benefit from layering too. One is better off with multiple layers of thin socks (which also helps prevent blisters) than one pair of super thick socks. Same principles apply with socks as upper body: wool or polypro are great base layers; cotton is not good. How do you layer for hands? Glove liners. Glove liners are really thin gloves that can be worn below regular gloves or mittens. They are a huge asset when someone has to remove a pair of heavy gloves or mittens for a job requiring dexterity because glove liners minimize the instant freeze of either exposure or conductivity (that is touch) when in the cold air or handling freezing equipment.


Escoger uno de los siguientes artículos y crear un equipo de supervivencia que se puede cargar en una bolsa o una riñonera. Decir cómo cada artículo puede ser útil.

Survival Whistle
Fire Starter
Tinder (dryer lint, candle)
High calorie energy bar
Flashlight or headlamp
Pocket Knife / multi-tool
Mylar Emergency Sleeping Bag
Hand warmers
First aid supplies
Compact Folding Shovel
This Honor Sheet
Rain Poncho / Small Tarp
Cell phone, GPS, FRS Radio
Signal Flare

Other items you might consider

The items listed above are part of this honor's requirements, but they are not an exhaustive list of items that would be useful in a cold weather survival situation. You might also consider these items:

Large Trash Bag
can be used as a emergency shelter. Cutting a breathing hole near the bottom of the bag lets you cover your head and save a lot of heat.
Bright Colored Jello
spread on the snow is a good signal to air search and rescue teams (if it is not snowing).
Avalanche Transceivers
send out a radio signal helping buddies with another unit locate exactly where the sending unit is located.
Avalanche Airbags
help someone "float" near the top of an avalanche.
PLB (Personal Locator Beacon)
these are not dependent on a cell phone signal and can be used to call in a full-fledged rescue effort. They require registration of the unit with then NOAA, and are to be used only in serious rescue situations only. But they can save a life, and should be considered for expeditions where help may not be readily available.


Discutir los peligros de hipotermia, una condición donde la temperatura del cuerpo baja de lo normal para mantener el metabolismo y sus funciones. La temperatura del cuerpo usualmente se mantiene cerca de un nivel constante de 98 a 100 °F (36 a 37 °C).


Síntomas leves


Síntomas moderados


Síntomas graves


Discutir en un grupo cada frase de la siguiente declaración:
«Una de las situaciones más difíciles de la supervivencia es el clima frío. El frío es una amenaza más grande de lo que aparenta. Reduce la habilidad de pensar. Debilita la voluntad menos para buscar el calor. Adormece la mente y el cuerpo. Reprime la voluntad de sobrevivir.»


Discutir lo siguiente:


Por qué las calorías son necesarias.


Viajar con un compañero y por qué es importante.


Memorizar las diferentes etapas de hipotermia: murmurar, quejarse, tropezar, voltear, caer.

The "umbles" show that a person is being adversely affected by the cold. It begins with the loss of physical coordination (stumbles, fumbles, and tumbles). This progresses to the loss of mental acuity (grumbles and mumbles).&


Ver un video/documental sobre la supervivencia e hipotermia.

Cold water hypothermia aboard a ship. University of Alaska, Kodiak Community College. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39KlHi-p_fI

MedWild has a number of good videos on wilderness survival and medicine including altitude, frostbite, hypothermia, etc..


By Nature's Rules is a hypothermia training movie from the 1970s but is still good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66glbp6jC3c

Hug-A-Tree and Survive (Canada) Search and Rescue.



Contactar la oficina local de búsqueda y rescate y pedir que un representante hable con su club.

Remember that SAR are volunteers that give tirelessly of their time and money to training and helping people who are in trouble. Respect their time and be thankful.


Repasar y demostrar las siguientes instrucciones sobre la supervivencia y rescate:


Evaluar para determinar si uno está perdido.


Soplar el silbato. Recordar que tres de cualquiera cosa es reconocida universalmente como una señal de auxilio.

When choosing a cold-weather survival whistle, consider a pea-less whistle. If one is blowing warm, damp air into a whistle with a pea -- it is possible that the pea becomes frozen in place and greatly diminishes the value of the whistle.


(Si usted está frío, mojado o con hambre, saltar este requisito, hacer fuego y pasar la noche) Marcar su posición con algo obvio. Caminar una distancia y circular el marcador mientras sopla el silbato y ora. Mover el marcador cuando reconoce algo o si ya no puede ver el marcador.

Most hardware stores sell lightweight, bright plastic ribbon that comes in a roll (yellow, day-glo green, orange, or pink). 20' to 40' of ribbon weighs almost nothing, but could be very valuable in marking your path, making it easier for rescuers to find your trail, or for *you* to find your trail again. Tie 6" on a twig and you have a bright, weatherproof marker.


Hacer un fuego y construir un refugio si es la tarde (el momento depende de su equipo y entorno). Parar de buscar una salida y prepararse para pasar la noche. Recordar que posiblemente nadie está buscándole todavía. Su habilidad de hacer un fuego y estar preparado para pasar la noche puede hacer la diferencia entre vivir y morir. Fuego puede proveer calor, compañerismo, comodidad y seguridad. El humo y las llamas pueden servir como señal para un rescatador.


Practicar las siguientes destrezas de supervivencia en una salida del club:


Encontrar la dirección sin una brújula.


Encender un fuego usando un pedernal y magnesio, lana de acero y una batería.


Mantener un fuego encendido usando palos con virutas, musgo o yesca. Practicar en condiciones húmedas.


Demostrar cómo hacer un fuego de rescate (mucho humo).


Completar las siguientes actividades en un grupo o su equivalente entre un contexto de supervivencia en clima frío:


Hacer tres refugios como: una cueva de nieve; un refugio con ramas de árboles; un refugio con una lona o poncho para la lluvia. Incluir ubicación apropiada del fuego en cada situación.

Be VERY cautious with fire in a snow cave or igloo. Fire consumes oxygen and leaves carbon monoxide which has no odor or sign, but can kill occupants. It has killed outdoorsmen before. Ventilation (and LOTS of it) is essential when something as little small camp stove is used in a semi-enclosed area. Even the smallest campfire is not advised in a snow cave for many reasons (carbon monoxide, too much heat, and melting issues among them).

In snowy conditions tree wells can provide excellent shelter from the wind. Tree wells are the area right next to the tree trunk where the upper branches catch or shed the snow, leaving a hole next to the trunk. These can be very deep at times.

Be aware of snow in branches above any fire. The warmth of your fire can begin to melt the snow and cause a mini-avalanche -- right on top of you and your fire.


Hacer un encendedor utilizando materiales como un cartón de huevos, aserrín y cera, u otros materiales de su elección que durará por lo menos 10 minutos.

Paper egg carton, sawdust, and wax

For this fire starter you will need to melt some wax. Use a double boiler for this so that you do not accidentally ignite the wax. While the wax is melting, fill each compartment of the egg carton (make sure it's a paper-based egg carton) with sawdust. Fill them all the way to the top, but do not pack the sawdust in. When the wax is fully liquified, pour it into the sawdust and allow it to soak all the way through. Once the wax hardens, cut the compartments apart. You only need one of these to get a fire going.

Cotton balls and petroleum jelly

Another great fire starter is made by working petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) into a cotton ball. Store these in a water-tight container so that you don't get petroleum jelly all over everything in your pack. These will light even when wet, and they will burn for at least ten minutes.


Usar los siguientes temas para un servicio o culto de adoración.


Hipotermia espiritual


Perdido espiritualmente


Preparación espiritual


Memorizar por lo menos 2 textos bíblicos que le traerá esperanza en una situación de supervivencia en clima frío, como Salmo 34:7 y Mateo 28:20.


Compare to this honor version: http://www.pathfinderconnection.com/uploads/3/2/1/3/3213915/winter_wilderness_survival.pdf