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Examples of removable media include DVDs, CDs, removable hard drives, floppy disks (in some older computers), media players, and digital cameras
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<!-- 3. Instalar exitosamente y usar un programa de software. -->
<!-- 3. Instalar exitosamente y usar un programa de software. -->
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Each installer program works slightly differently, but we'll attempt to explain the basics.
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In most cases you would simply insert the program CD into your CD-ROM drive. In most cases, the CD will be automatically recognized as needing to be installed and the install program will automatically begin. If it does not, you can start the install program by choosing Start from your menu, then choosing Run... Browse to the location of the CD (usually D:), then choose the program listed there called setup.exe (or something similar). The CD should start installing the desired program. At times, you may have to input a serial number or other code to verify that you are indeed the owner of a legitimate copy of the software you are attempting to install. If you have pirated (illegally borrowed) the software, please choose to not install the program. There are so many ''legitimately'' free software offering available over the Internet, that it really isn't necessary to use pirated copies.
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You will likely download a file named something.zip. This is a compressed file that needs "unzipped" by your windows program before it can be installed. Once you have uncompressed the file, you should double-click the file and it should start installing.
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The installer may ask for your name, email, or other information. Please read the EULA Agreement carefully, since you are legally bound by this license agreement. In some cases, software downloaded from the internet is "free" but has other software (often called malware) attached to the installer program. These additional programs will be secretly installed on your system, and may impair the speed of your system. However, if they are uninstalled, the main program will no longer work properly, if at all. Again, if you read the EULA Agreement, you will have the opportunity to see if the software maker or company has added such programs, since they have to tell you about them in the EULA Agreement if they exist.
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Some software programs may take awhile to install, especially if they come on more than one CD/DVD (such as mapping programs, office/graphics suites, and games).
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Once a software program is installed, a shortcut is installed under the Programs folder (Start | Programs) and also possibly on your desktop. Click on this shortcut and the program will launch (begin).
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Mac OS X has an application called Installer bundled with it that is used to "install" many MAC programs. However, this is not technically an installer, but a Package Manager.
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Some commercial applications for Mac OS X use a custom installer, often Installer VISE or Stuffit InstallerMaker. Applications that do not need to install additional system components can be installed by moving the application files to a desired location on a hard drive; this is known as "drag-and-drop installation" and no installer software is needed. MANY Mac programs use this type of installation.
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Mac OS X also includes a separate software updating application, Software Update that keeps installed programs updated via the internet.
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In a way similar to Windows, programs on CD are inserted in the MAC CD-ROM drive, and an installer begins and automated setup begins.
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Mac OS X downloaded files are usually archived in a StuffIt archive. The installer or drop-and-drag installation program can be unarchived and installed, following directions included with the archived program.
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Most software for Linux systems is available over the Internet, though some commercial packages do occasionally come on media (such as a CD-Rom or DVD). Various distributions of Linux have different strategies for installing software packages, so there is no "one way" to do this.
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Most software on a Linux system cannot be installed except by the System Administrator, so you will need to log in as root (or use the "su -" command to become root). Some Linux systems will have an "Install Software" item on the menu, and clicking this will lead you through the steps necessary to install a new program. Other systems require the use of a command line utility which must be executed from the system console.
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RedHat developed the "rpm" file, which when downloaded can be installed either from a graphical user interface (follow the on-screen prompts) or from the command line, using the rpm utility:
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rpm -U packagename
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The -U option means "upgrade," and this will either replace an older version of the software that has already been installed, or install it if no version is present. Unfortunately, rpm packages have dependencies - you cannot install package X unless package Y is there (and is sufficiently up-to-date). You cannot install package Y until package Z is installed. Package Z may have its own dependency problems as well. This can go on seemingly forever. To address this problem, another utility was developed called "yum" (which stands for the Yellowdog Update Manager, "Yellowdog" being the name of another Linux distribution). Yum looks at all the dependencies and updates everything that is needed for package X, including packages Y, Z, and any other packages that are needed:
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yum install packagename
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Yum will then go out on the Internet, find the latest version of the package on an approved ''repository'', download it, download its dependencies (and the dependencies' dependencies), install them, and perform some basic configuration.
Yum can be configured to run on a regular basis to keep all the software installed on a Linux PC up-to-date automatically. Other Linux distributions have equivalent package management utilities.
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Each year, billions of dollars of software is illegally pirated by consumers. When most leaders were young, they were instructed not to steal the candy bar from the 7/11 or the CD from Wal-Mart. In the twenty-first century, theft now encompasses what is often termed "intellectual property." That is, the items stolen are intangible in a physical sense, such as music, data, or software programs.
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Many Christians have not however mentally adjusted their application of the "Thou shalt not steal" commandment to intellectual property. George Barna states that only 8% of American teenagers feel that piracy of music is morally wrong. In fact, only 48% of the youth surveyed said that someone in their lives had mentioned the moral issues surrounding this common practice.
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For the complete article: [http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page=BarnaUpdate&BarnaUpdateID=162 Barna Update Online]
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In my teaching experience (I teach computers and bible for a Northern California Adventist Academy), I have found the approach of "I choose not to do this because...." and the "here's what this researcher discovered" approach as valid for most students. Each student has their opinion and is at their own place in their spiritual journey. Providing a discussion point is NOT likely to change their mind overnight (nor should it). However, it does provide them with the information as well as the strong backing to take a stand that is different from the status quo among their peers. I would strongly discourage an attitude of "this is the right answer and this is how you should do it" approach to this discussion! Allowing them to read the Bible texts and to discuss the implications without prematurely moralizing what you understand the passages to say is invaluable to THEIR learning and application process. Allow the Holy Spirit to do HIS work in HIS time.
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==='''Bible texts that may provide a basis for your personal study and group discussion:'''===
*{{bible link|Exodus 20:15}} -- The commandment to not steal
*{{bible link|Genesis 31}} -- Rachel stealing the images
*{{bible link|Romans 2:21}} -- Being an consistent example of what you command of others
*{{bible link|Leviticus 6:2-7}} -- Stealing what has been entrusted to you
*{{bible link|Joshua 7}} -- Achan's theft
*{{bible link|John 12:6}} -- Judas' theft
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In Microsoft Word, this requires two separate documents, a data document for the addresses and the letter document for the standard part of the letter. The merge wizard (see windows help file) will assist you in stepping through the process.
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In creating the letter document, merge fields could be placed in the address and salutation lines, though you can also use them in the body of the letter, such as using the person's first name later in the letter.
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This spreadsheet should not only display the data, but should also make use of formulas to automatically generate the data. Spreadsheets have the advantage over other recording methods that formulas can make repetitive tasks much easier by filling in cells with accurate data without manual entry.
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Templates are graphically rich files created by most office programs, such as Publisher, that allow you to easily create newsletter, newspaper, or other graphically rich publications. Combine images from the event with news information to create a FUN publication. A publication program, unlike a word processing program, includes layout fields that closely integrate themed colors, pictures, clip art, and text.
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Presentations can be used to effectively communicate your message to a large audience through the use of media rich content with projected images and text. For best effect, the presentation should use font sizes large enough to be read from a distance (typically size 24 or greater), and pictures of high-enough quality to not be pixelated. The same template or background should be used throughout the presentation. Slide transitions should be logical, and should not distract from the overall presentation. One of the most common mistakes of beginning presenters is to have the transitions be so fancy that the text and images zoom and whiz all over the screen, but are unreadable or distracting to the audience. KISS (Keep It Surprisingly Simple) is a great principle.

Revision as of 16:35, 17 May 2021

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Computadoras - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Computers Advanced AY Honor.png
Computadoras - Avanzado
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Tener la especialidad de Computadoras.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase [[AY Honors/Computer/es|]].


Dar ejemplos de cada uno de los siguientes componentes de computación software o programas de medios de comunicación. Explicar el papel que cada uno hace en la experiencia computacional del individuo.


Programa software de procesador de textos


Programa software de presentación


Programa software de creación de gráficos


Programa software de copiar medios de comunicación


Programa software de publicación


Programa software para la creación de base de datos


Programa software de hoja de cálculo


Dispositivo del medio de comunicación de flash


Disco de almacenamiento para medios de comunicación


Instalar exitosamente y usar un programa de software.


Discutir con su unidad, grupo y/o familia los asuntos morales que rodean la piratería de programas y el compartir archivos. Con apoyo bíblico, ser capaz de describir cuál es la posición cristiana y la práctica en este tema y explicar la razón de su respuesta.


Completar cuatro de las siguientes actividades, proveyendo evidencia impresa o digital de su culminación a su instructor.


Crear una carta usando un programa de procesador de textos. Usar un archivo combinado que permita usar la misma carta para enviarla a cinco personas diferentes, con la personalización de cada una (tal como el nombre y la dirección). Usar la carta para un proyecto tal como:
i. Solicitar finanzas para un viaje misionero o actividad de un servicio
ii. Comunicar un día de recolección/reparto de comida no perecedera en la comunidad
iii. Describir actividades del Club que podría ser de interés para el periódico local
iv. Invitar amigos y familiares a un sábado de Conquistadores u otro evento del ministerio de jóvenes


Crear una base de datos que incluya al menos 15 registros de personas que incluyan al menos tres diferentes campos (tales como dirección, especialidades alcanzadas, números telefónicos). Usar la base de datos para extraer formularios de su información de la base de datos. Usar esta información para proveer reportes tales como:
i. Seguimiento de especialidades que han sido realizadas durante este año en su club
ii. Determinar la asistencia y/o puntos de estructura de cada miembro del club
iii. Seguimiento de los requisitos del nivel de clase que han sido completados por cada individuo en el club o grupo
iv. Seguimiento de los contactos hechos en una iniciativa de servicio durante el año


Crear una hoja de cálculo. Usar esta hoja de cálculo para hacer algo tal como:
i. Seguimiento de cuotas y/o donaciones para el club
ii. Seguimiento de entradas y gastos para un campamento, viaje misionero u otro evento grupal
iii. Seguimiento de la finalización de los requisitos de la clase



Usar un programa de presentación para crear un archivo de presentación que contenga al menos seis diapositivas (con texto y fotografías digitales) y demostrar su función en una presentación a pantalla. Usar plantillas, elementos de diseño, colores y transiciones como sea apropiado en la presentación. Usar la presentación para presentar un tema como:
i. Una especialidad JA
ii. Conceptos del nivel de clases
iii. Un sermón
iv. Recaudación de fondos


Usar un programa para copiar archivos de medios de comunicación y copiar al menos 15 carpetas y/o archivos en un dispositivo grabable. Verificar la integridad de los datos del medio de comunicación después que el proceso de copia sea completada.


Usar un programa de creación de gráficos y modificar fotografías digitales de las siguientes maneras:
i. Poner un marco o hacer borroso los bordes de un fotografía
ii. Cambiar una fotografía digital de color a una de tono sepia o de blanco y negro
iii. Grabar una fotografía digital como una diferente clase de archivo al del original
iv. Combinar elementos de dos fotografías digitales para crear una tercera imagen
v. Añadir texto de color a una fotografía digital mostrando múltiples mejorías en las letras tales como sombre paralela, biselado, en relieve y pincelado
vi. Ajustar el tamaño de una fotografía digital y que no sea más de 800 píxeles de ancho y no más de 20% del tamaño del disco del archivo digital original
